I'm thinkin' of just forgetting about blogging
I really have nothing of interest to talk about or post anymore, and I figure there's only 2 people who read the blog anyhow, and I talk to them more frequently than I post. So I really see no purpose to this anymore.
Perhaps I'll change my mind if a meteor lands in my backyard, or if I win a mulit-million dollar lottery, or a burning bush starts up a conversation one day while we're out walking the dogs. Other than that, life is boring and why would anyone want to read such drivel? E-mail works just as well, and sometimes better.
Close Calls
Well, this past week we had a bit of a scare with our Bruno. For those of you who got the emails, excuse the rambling post please! For those of you who didn't get the emails, he's fine, but it was nerve wracking for a couple of days!
Bruno has been not feeling well for a couple of weeks, and then one day week before last, we went to the dog park to play, and Bruno fell out of the back of the truck! He just fell out! That night he was crying in his sleep, and the next day he wasn't very happy. So on Saturday (a week ago) we took him to the vets.
The vet palpated his back legs, and said he's likely got arthritis, and she took some blood to do the "senior wellness" tests, thinking he may have a slow thryoid because he's gained more weight than the amount of food we feed him. If you follow.
She gave us 2 prescriptions for him, Dasuquin and Derramax.
A couple days later (Tuesday) she called and said that his thyroid is within normal levels, but his calcium is really high, and something else that James couldn't remember is also high, and these combined are usually markers for bone cancer. So we had to take him back in on Thursday for x-rays and additional blood work. So the 2 days wait was a bit nauseating.
Turns out however that he's just got arthritis in his knee, and something else wrong with his back (again, James couldn't remember what she said exactly was wrong with it. Should have got him to write stuff down). She said Bruno needs to lose about 50 pounds, or his back could break! EEK!
If he lost 50 pounds though he'd weigh the same as George (who is a healthy 140 pounds) and he'd be too skinny. We figure he'd be better around 160 or 165 or so. He has a much bigger frame than George, we don't want him to look anorexic!
So now he's on a diet and walking twice a day rather than just once a day. We're trying to cut his food down from 4 cups a day to about 3, but he just went and ate his lunch, and because George wasn't there watching, he ate hers too! We'll have to pay better attention to what he's sneaking from her bowl! This is probably why she steals his treats right from his mouth! LOL!
She added Tramadol to his list of prescriptions, and he gets 4 of those twice a day. So now with his medicines and George's medicine, it'll be about $100+ per month for all those pills. That, on top f the almost $600 for the x-rays and anesthetic and pain injections, and the $200 for the Saturday visit and blood work and prescriptions, we'll be eating cheap for a while I think :-p
We're still looking to get out of this area, and had someone look at the other house the other day, but she didn't call back so we can only assume she's not a do-it-yourselfer. It needs quite a lot of work done still. But the kitchen is all painted, now we just need to put down new floor tiles and hopefully we can get out of there with enough money for a downpayment on something else closer to the border and my family.
Maybe somewhere close to a veterinary college where we can get cheap care for the dogs! Sheesh, these two cost us a fortune in medical bills!