Living with Saint Bernards

I think I've figured out how to post a picture here! Let’s just see if I have any small enough to post....oh wow, lookit that! It adjusts the size even...I like this blogging thing I think!
Anyhoo...when Mum was here in July she took a pic of me and my "family", which is of course, James, George and Bruno.
James is on the couch with Bruno, our male puppy whom we rescued a few months ago. He turned 1 year old at the middle of July, and as of his last vet visit he weighed in at 140 pounds. We figure he'll finish up growing really close to 200 pounds; his feet are about twice the size of George's! As a comparisson, the dog who played "Beethoven" in the movie was 185 pounds when he was full grown. For giant breeds, "full grown" is usually somewhere around 2 years to 2 1/2 years old.
George was just at the vet this week for a booster shot and heartworm test, and weighed in at a slight 127 pounds. I said "is that all?" and the vet looked at me very seriously and said "what do you mean is that all? You want MORE dog?" LOL! George will be 2 at the end of October.
Today the temperature has actually gone down below 30C/86F! This morning is just 22C/71F and quite pleasant for a change. I'm sure it'll get hotter later in the day, but for now, Bruno is taking advantage of the weather and sitting outside on the back porch, watching the bees buzz, and the flutter-bys. George is most definitely an "inside" dog, and only goes out for necessaries. She's asleep on the floor next to my desk.
Well, I'm off to "work"! HA ha ha ha! *snarf*