Lovely Almost Fall Day
Well, thankfully, the temperatures have gone down some here in NC. Its actually less than 80F/27C for a change, and bearable to go outside for extended periods, and even for a walk!
An odd occurance yesterday, James took the afternoon and evening off, so we were able to take the dogs for a walk along the Greenway, and then for a dip in the Catawba River. Unfortunately, we had them on the short leash, and George nearly dragged me into the water with her! She loves the water, and loves "snorkeling". She sticks her head almost completely under, and then snorts and blows bubbles. Its rather funny! Bruno had his first trip into the river, and much prefers it over the ocean. There are no waves to chase him ;-)
We went to see "Land of the Dead" at the cheap theatre last night. We're very grateful that we only paid $1.50 each, it wasn't very good. But then, we're both so desensitized to horror movies, its difficult to find one even marginally entertaining anymore, or that isn't totally predictable. It was however, nice to see pictures from home! It was filmed in Toronto, Mississauga, Klienburg and Brampton, so I recognized quite a few places. I think I even recognized a few of the zombie extras, but its hard to tell! :-)
I've been feeling a bit homesick this week. A couple of weeks ago I bought some bagels at the grocery store, and they were just yucky. Mushy and squishy and not at all bagel-y. If you follow. I started craving Montreal bagels. Then the other night on "$40 a Day" on Food Network, Rachel Ray was in Montreal. Eating bagels! THEN, they showed the episode when she went to Vancouver, and she went shopping at Granville Island market. I love that place! I have fond memories of a couple of friends and a banana cream pie there. *snarf* I wonder if she's ever been to Toronto for that show? I've been craving Greek food. No thanks to Chris for that :-p
Well, I've got a loaf in the oven I must go rescue. TTFN!