What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Thursday, September 22, 2005
  TV Junkie
Well, last night was the season premier of LOST. I, like all other LOST fans waited anxiously to find out what the heck was in that hatch and what happened to the guys on the raft. And now I’m just as confused as ever.

Is Shannon psychic, or can Walt astral project?

What the heck is that guy doing down there, and how long has he been there? (Jack’s wig in the flashbacks was LOL! *snarf* ) How did he get there? And why is he quarantined?

What happened to Kate?

Why does it look like Hurley has gained weight? He should be losing weight by now!

How long will this series be able to last? Is it suspenseful enough with enough story lines to last a few years? And will they EVER tell us what the heck the Monster is who lives on the island with them? Or will it continue to be like the cat jumping out at us from behind a door?

Tonight is season premier of CSI at 9pm. Then Sunday is Desperate Housewives, and Grey’s Anatomy. Next week is Bones with David Boreanaz (ep. 3 I think. I missed the pilot) and another new show called Supernatural. And then Boston Legal. William Shatner and James Spader together just kill me!

And then we’re back at Wednesdays with LOST. So what do I do on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays? *hmph* ;-)

Supernatural is stupid...as far as I can tell anyhow. I haven't been able to get into it at all.

As far as last night's season premiere of Lost, I was rolling on the floor during the Jack's hospital flashbacks, the wig was just too much! *lol*

And I don't think it's too far of a leap to say that Walt can astral project....remember the flashbacks dealing with him? The kid has some freaky-deaky stuff going on of his own.

I was a bit disapointed that the episode was centered entirely on the hatch and nothing about those on the raft. Did Sawyer get shot? Did the Korean guy rescue him? Where did they take Walt?

Oh well, 6 more days of waiting.

And I can't wait for the season premiere of Desperate Housewives. I absolutely love that show!

I did sit and veg through "Invasion" the new show after Lost, last night. Did you happen to catch that? I thought it was "ok"....

Am just hoping that Lost does not go the same way that another very popular ABC series from 15 years ago did.....Twin Peaks. I'm hoping Lost can sustain the momentum and keep us all hooked.

Well, as long as I can stare at Sayid and Sawyer, I'll continue to watch it. *lol*
Yep, we did watch Invasion afterward. I guess it was ok, and I'll probably watch it just because its on after LOST and there's nothing else to do ;-)

Yeah, I really did wish they'd have shown what happened to the guys on the raft. But by the looks of the preview for next week, that's what will be the focus for that episode. So you'll get your Sawyer fix :-)
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