What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Sunday, October 02, 2005
  What is with all the garbage!?
Why is it that every time I go grocery shopping, no matter which store, there are buggies all over the parking lot because most people can’t even be bothered to put them away in the corral where they got them? Not only do they not bother to put them in the proper place, but some just leave them there in the middle of the roadway, making the parking lot a very dangerous place! I spend 5 minutes every time I go shopping just straightening out the dang buggies in the corral so that I don’t have to leave mine out in the middle of the roadway. And have I ever gotten a “thank you” from anyone? Noooooo.

Why do people driving down my street insist on tossing their garbage out of the car window and onto my front lawn? This morning I went out to the car to get something and there was a McDonald’s bag and a juice can lying there in my yard. Every day I go out and there’s more garbage. Add that to the freakin’ Yorkie poo from the dogs up the street who use our lawn for a toilet, and it looks like I live in the city dump half the time.

And the people who just dump their garbage over at the recycling centre, rather than sort it into the proper bins, just drop bags full on the pavement and go. This is just down right rude! Its nice that you’re recycling, but you’re not done until its in the correct bins!

Why are people so goddamn lazy? Do they care so little about their home town, and have so little respect and courtesy for their fellow man, that it doesn’t matter what THEY do, just as long as nobody tosses garbage on THEIR front lawn, and grocery buggies don’t get in THEIR way?

Put your own grocery buggy away, toss your garbage in your own garbage can at home, sort your recycling, and have a little respect for the planet! Do you honestly think that if no one sees you littering, or leaving your buggy in the middle of the road, or dumping your garbage at the recycling centre, and that no one cares? “Someone” will pick it up, put it away or sort it for you? This is a sad sad world we live in if 90% of the population just doesn’t give a damn, and the rest of us 5% have to try and keep up with the mess.

Yorkie Poo's aren't dogs, they are rats who bark and can be leashed. I hate small dogs or "pocket pets"....rant rant rant. They're annoying little bark grates on my nerves! /rant.

I can't stand taking a walk out along the shore and coming across dog crap! They're only allowed on our beach from October 1st to April 1st and there's supposed to be a $250 fine for anyone who doesn't clean up after their dog or fails to keep them on a leash/lead. I'm so tempted sometimes to sit out there with my camera and take pictures of the lazy dog-owners who can't be bothered to pick up after their pets.

As far as the shopping carts at the stores...that's a huge pet peeve of mine! I always try and park close to a cart-return corral so I can just shove it in there. But it annoys me to no end to pull into a space and not be able to use it because there is a freakin cart sitting there all because someone was too lazy to walk a few extra steps to return the stupid thing. Grrrrrrrrrrr.
To: Reebles
Re: Putting stuff away

Thank you.


well Auds, I'm glad I'm not the only one who gets annoyed at such things. :-)
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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