What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Thursday, December 08, 2005
  Why? Why? Why?
Why do people bring in their tired, hungry and cranky babies to have their pictures taken, and then get all upset when said tired hungry and crank baby won’t smile for the camera?

Why do they bring their tired cranky toddlers at 7:30 at night, and then get angry when said toddler won’t sit still to have their picture taken?

Why do they threaten, bribe and cajole their children to smile, and expect them to actually smile? Would you smile if your Mommy was standing there threatening to smack your butt if you don’t smile? Would you smile if someone said to you, “no more toys or candy for you!”? Sheesh, this is parenting?

And I have to stand there and smile and just wait for the kid to sit still for just one second so I can click the shutter. Only to have parent or guardian say “no, that’s not his face, try again”. Whose bloody face is it? I just don’t understand.

I’ve even had parents bring their toddlers in at 7pm for pictures, they’re tired and cranky, they haven’t been fed, and they won’t sit still. The parents threaten and bribe them for 45 minutes while I take pictures. Then we sit down to look at them “no, I don’t like any of those, they just look fake.” GAH!!!!

I really wish North Carolina would hurry up and implement this dang lottery already! Hmph :-p

On a different note, I have about finished my gift shopping I think. Just a few stocking stuffers for James and the puppies and that should be about it. I just have to wait til tomorrow morning to find out if my pay cheque gets automatic deposit or if it’ll come in the mail again. I’ve asked for automatic deposit, filled out the forms and everything. And they keep sending it to me in the mail, which means I can’t get to the freakin’ bank until the following Wednesday, and I have no money between now and then.

If it does get deposited tho, I’ll be heading straight to www.canadianfavourites.com and getting myself some crumpets, cinnamon spread, and James some Bits & Bites. He loves that stuff, and we can’t find anything as good here in the US. We have similar products, but not quite as good. I also need some Laura Secord chocolate and some Shreddies. I wish I could afford the extra shipping cost for expedited, they have poutine cheese curds now too. I miss poutine.

For any ex-pat Canadians keeping up here, there are a few on-line shops for us. Canadian Favourites is one (link above) and a friend Marlene has also found http://www.alwayscanadian.com/home.php their shipping is a bit less than Canadian Favourites, but they don’t have crumpets. There’s also http://www.sendpc.ca if you’re craving some of the President’s Choice products. Go to http://www.realcanadianbacon.com/ for some authentic “Canadian” bacon, not that imitation what the American’s call Canadian style bacon. I’ve ordered from them before, and service is great, however a bit expensive. I bought 2 packages of bacon, which cost me about $50 including the shipping. A bit rich for my blood, but it was tasty! If you need some real Canadian maple syrup for your Christmas morning pancakes, try http://www.ed-foods.com/maple.html

For those of us in the home state of Krispy Kreme that don’t have Timmy’s within a day’s driving distance, Canadian Favourites and Always Canadian both have Tim Horton’s coffee and hot chocolate to order. I wish they could ship donuts too, but I guess they’d be a bit stale by the time they got here eh? *sigh*

Speaking of Timmy’s…my hubby has been watching their stocks, and apparently they have once again broken free of Wendy’s Corp and will be having an IPO sometime early next year. We’ll see how that goes, and perhaps if they do well we could petition them to start opening some shops down south. With Krispy Kreme filing for protection, they may just be up to the competition. As a Canadian used to having a donut shop on every corner, I’m finding it difficult to get used to not having any around. The closest donut shop is a Krispy Kreme over in Hickory half an hour away. I don’t like their donuts, they’re gross and just way too sugary. I miss Timmy’s L Even Dunkin’ Donuts would suffice, but is nowhere close by. The closest is in Statesville, about an hour away. How are we expected to survive without donuts? (and grocery store packaged donuts don’t count!)

If we ever move, I’m telling ya, one selling point for any town will certainly be if there is a donut shop there or not. Krispy Kreme excluded of course. Bleah.

Maybe if we win the lottery we could open our own Tim Horton’s.

Well, I think I’ll go wash the kitchen floor. Its all muddy again. We should re-do the kitchen in a Santa Fe look, so I can put terra cotta tiles on the floor, and paint the cupboards orange to go with the mud :-p
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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