What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, January 13, 2006
  So, here's the deal...
Yesterday I gave notice at work, and the district manager told me there’s no need to work my notice (2 weeks) because she has other photographers who were also sharing part time jobs who need the hours. So, as of now, I’m temporarily unemployed. Again. *sigh*

James spoke with the franchiser in Wisconsin again, and with some other high up muckity muck, and all he needs to do now is schedule when he can get in for the franchiser training. The next one coming up is sometime in February, he just needs to make sure its not the week that he needs to be here for our immigration interview. He REALLY needs to be here for that! So, depending on that schedule, we may or may not be moving to Wisconsin in the next couple of months. That is if he passes that exam, and we qualify for all the other financial stuff. Which we should as soon as we sell this house, we’re just a couple thousand short on the liquid assets requirement.

I need to make some quick fixes here in the house before we can list it though. The kitchen floor needs replacing, the kitchen sink needs replacing, a whole buncha superfluous crap needs to be put into storage, the bedroom ceiling needs covering, and all the cupboards and trim in the house could do with a coat of paint. Then there’s the little things to do, like a new throw rug in the living room, maybe put up a shelf or two in the kitchen and bathroom, the usual stuff to dress up a house in order to sell it. I’m considering getting rid of one couch in the living room so that it doesn’t look so awkward and squished, but then what will James sit on? ;-)

Then James will hire me to work at the Domino’s shop here so that I can learn how to make pizza and take orders and blah blah blah…its not really what I had ever considered doing with my life, but there ya go.

I’m still actively marketing my Watkins business, and building my empire. I have a few repeat customers, and a couple of down-line associates. I’ve also got advertising out there to continue building my down-line, and hopefully the half dozen or so candidates I have now will soon sign up and I will get bigger bonus cheques every month. Every little bit counts right? I have had a few difficulties with a couple of customers (bouncing cheques, not paying back or on time, etc) but its all part of doing business. Live and learn as they say. For the most part tho, I enjoy doing this. I can see how its possible to make a lot of money at it, and its nice to get out there and meet some new people. For some odd reason however, quite a lot of my newest candidates have been from Canada! Its funny to talk to them on the phone and hear the accents that I miss so much. These people down south here talk funny! ;-)

Well, I must start surfing and do some price comparisons for these renovations I have to do. First, floor tiles and ceiling tiles! Oh, and a screen door for the back…George has totally destroyed the one on there now, we need something indestructible! Ha ha!
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
If you're interested in starting your own Watkins home based business, take a look at My Shopping and Information Site. Watkins ships anywhere in North America.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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