Catching up with Photos
Remember all those times I’ve posted “I’ll take a picture and post it later?” and then never did? Well, I finally got it all together, loaded the software for the new digital camera (bought back in October), found the USB cable for it, and unplugged something else so I could plug it in!
So, finally, here is the last few months, in photographic review!
Here is George and Bruno, both vying for James’ attention on the futon. The futon, btw, has about had it. We’ll have to find us a new perch soon I think!

Remember all the way back to Halloween? Well, here’s the Jack-o-lantern that I carved, and sexy me in black and red satin.

These next 2 are just some gratuitous “dog shots” just because they’re so damn cute!

And just to prove that we did go to Ren Faire, here’s a pic of my favourite pirate. He hats it when I post pictures of him, but :-p

Here’s a couple more gratuitous dog shots. This one of Bruno is after he’s been out digging in the mud

And here’s George, she looks like she’s got a hangover!

This one is from the day after the ice storm, back before Christmas. It was very pretty, just not much fun when the power went out.

Last but not least, this on here is of a loaf of bread I made in the breadmaker. It somehow turned out looking like a mutant, I just had to have a picture of it!

There you go, a few pics to oooo and ahhhh over ;-)
Happy Imbolc and Groundhog day to everyone. The groundhogs all agreed that we will have an early spring, which is no surprise considering the almost complete non-existance of winter so far! I went out today to run some errands and didn’t even need a jacket, honestly, its getting quite annoying. I miss winter!
We may be reconsidering the Wisconsin deal, James received a copy of the profit and loss statement for last year, and its not so rosey. It’s a shame, it sounds like a nice town to live in, but we’re not too keen on taking over a money losing store. If it can be turned around, perhaps, but we don’t know yet why he’s losing so much. We don’t have that much that we can afford to lose, so we are now considering other options. Other options may cost us more at first, but won’t be a continuous money pit in the long run. Back to the drawing board, as they say!
Light a red candle for Brigit tonight!