What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Saturday, February 11, 2006
  My ass hurts!
Tuesday morning we got up early and packed up the dogs into the car and drove and drove and drove….

First we dropped the dogs off at K9 Cabins in Troutman, NC about an hour from here. (Check out their website for more pics of the “babies” at www.k9cabins.com Elena took quite a few pics and said they’d be uploaded to their website in a few days.)

Look what they done, to my dog Ma!
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Look what they’ve done to my dogs!
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Sadly I had to leave instruction for them that they were not to play with other dogs, because George has gotten really nasty lately, and on Monday afternoon at the vet’s office, she attacked a police dog! :-o I could have been charged with assaulting an officer fer crimeny! Luckily the human officer who was with him was very understanding and just laughed. I was very embarrassed tho, as you can imagine. I just can’t take her anywhere anymore :-(

Anyhoo, we hung out with the dogs for a bit while they did some investigating of the play yard, then got them settled in their “cabin” where they promptly started barking and growling at the dog in the next cabin. Their cabins are really cool, they have inside and outside access, and they can see their neighbours when they go outside, but can’t reach them as they’re all separated by high chain-link fencing, spaced a few feet apart. Which is a good thing with George lately.

We left them about 10:30 am and headed up to Chicago, which took us til 2am CT. I’m telling ya, my ass is killing me still! Since my surgery in September ’04, my lower back has been really bad, and my slouch has gotten to the point that my tailbone almost constantly hurts. Imagine 16 hours in a car with a sore tailbone. :-( And he wants me to do it again when he has to go for training in Ann Arbor Michigan! GAH!

Heading toward Virginia
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Somewhere in Kentucky
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We were fully expecting snow, as the forecast called for it pretty much all the way up. We got none, tho we did see that in the mountains of West Virginia and Kentucky they have a bit. Strangely we didn’t see any snow at all in Illinois. Its snowing here this morning, finally, our first snow of winter ’05-’06! And the dogs are all clean from their bath at the kennel; I don’t want to let them out to play in the mud. They’re still too tired anyway, which is a good thing!

On the way home Thursday we decided it would be best not to drive the whole way home, we were both too tired, so we stopped in Charleston, West Virginia for the night. I really hope I can somehow convince him to fly up next time, I can’t do that again! Ouchie!

A very tired Bruno on the drive home from the cabins
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We learned that it will take us longer than we had expected to be able to take over the franchise we were looking at in Wisconsin. James has to now send in his application to Domino’s, then they will review it and let him know when they will send him for further training in Ann Arbor. This could take 6 weeks or more for the review, then however long til the next class. It could all be about 6 more months before we can move. By that time someone else may have taken that store.

If James can’t get through the process in time to get the Wisconsin store, there are several “incentives” for areas of the country that Domino’s needs more stores, and we could build a brand new one. This of course would mean a lot more money initially for us to shell out, but the incentives sort of make up for it. We checked the list of areas and there are a few that are appealing, like Manteo, NC (east coast, Outer Banks) and Boone, NC (in the mountains, about an hour from where we are now), as well as other areas of the country, mostly mid-west and north-east, which would be nice, and closer to Canada for me to get home to visit more often.

It looks like we may actually have some snow accumulation here today. Not enough to make angels or a snowman, but it may cover the ground at least. Or it may just make a whole lotta mud, and my nice clean dogs will be covered in orange again! I’ll get some pictures later if we get lots of snow.

In local news, one of the men injured in our chemical plant explosion died this week. He was severely burned and had been resuscitated several times since he was taken to hospital. He was 55 years old.

They’ve finally opened up the road by there again, and hopefully they’ve let residents go back home now. On the weekend in our local paper there was an interview with a resident who said they wouldn’t even let her go back home to get her dogs! They’d been there for days, with no food or water >:- I emailed the paper to ask if anyone was looking after the dogs, but have had no response. That pisses me off to think that local Public Safety would be so cruel as to allow pets to die of starvation, when they could just as easily take them up to the shelter for a few days, if the hotels the residents are staying won’t allow pets (I know a few of them do tho, I used to work at one that does!) It turns my stomach just to think of it. :-( Come to think of it, the shelters are both along that road, and I don’t know if even they were allowed back. Imagine all those poor animals wondering where their care givers are! Hmph.

Well, I think I shall start working on the bedroom and tear out the paneling. I have nothing else to do, James took my car because its 4 wheel drive and his truck is rear wheel. He’s afraid of a wittle bit of snow. I’m telling ya, these southerners just have no clue…wait til we move north! He’ll freak! ;-)
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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