Nope, no stress here!
Ok, so our immigration interview is tomorrow morning at 10:30am in Charlotte. Why are we nervous? Because immigration is a pain in the ass, and USCIS employees (same as CIC employees) have the power to ruin people’s lives for no apparent reason. If we don’t pass this interview and I get deported, then the only way I would be able to ever see my husband again would be for us to move to a third party country. England would be our first option, because I could most likely get an ancestry visa. But then would some other country approve us thru immigration if Canada and the US have already disproved us? *sigh* ACK!
Its really very frustrating, having to prove our marriage to a complete stranger. We have forms to fill out, signed and notarized affidavit of support, we have to bring evidence of our “bonafide” marriage, and if they feel its not enough, then back to Canada I go. And gathering all of this stuff is not as easy as you would think. Approved “evidence of bonafide marriage” is stuff like utility bills with both names on them. After I moved here we went to all our utility companies and they said “nope, we can only put one name on the bills, can’t fit 2” or “its against policy to have more than one name on” WTF? That’s what happens when the city owns the cable company and the power company and the water company. The gas company put my name on the account, but for some reason or another they can’t have both names on the bills. What the hell good is it then? Pffffffft! So all we have is our bank statements with both names on them. My name is not on the deed to the house, not on the ownership for the car, not on the insurance card (tho it is on the policy). *sigh*
Next worry is the affidavit of support. USCIS immigration law for sponsors is that their annual salary/wages must be 125% over the annual poverty level for the number of people in the household. As we only have 2 people, and the poverty level is quite low (frighteningly so, how they expect people to live on that is beyond me!) For 2 people, annual salary must be at or above $16,037. Which James is well above of course, but couples with 100 times that have been denied and given reason there’s not enough money to prove support! GAH!
I suppose I could also bring along all the application forms that we had submitted to Canadian immigration first as evidence. I mean, why would I move here to the US anyway, other than to be with him? Its quite obvious that (well, to thinking, feeling humans anyway!) that we want to be together, our first choice was Canada, that didn’t work out, so here I am. Its just crazy the hoops we have to jump through. But then again, I do understand why, there are a lot of people who take advantage of others who just want to move here to the US for some unfathomable reason, and the only way they can figure how to do that is marriage. They defraud the system, so the rest of us suffer the pain and humiliation of having to prove our love for each other. Its rude!
Plus to add to the stress of immigration is this whole Domino’s franchise thing. Once again, some outside force putting our lives on hold and when I want to plan something, like going to a friend’s wedding in May, the only answer I can get about planning is “well we don’t know what’s happening so we’ll have to wait”. Wait for what exactly? Hmmmm? If we’re going we’ll have to let them know ahead of time, we’ll have to make plane reservations, hotel reservations, kennel reservations, and buy clothes (tho I’d prefer to shop for formals somewhere other than NC…gods…”fashion” here sucks!). But nooooo, I have to wait…most likely until its too late to go. Hmph!
We got the invitation yesterday…what exactly does “British formal” mean? Do I have to buy a big hat? :-o ;-) It’s a morning ceremony, with the receptions scheduled thru the evening. So that would mean, possibly, two clothing changes. One for morning, one for evening. Yeah? Would be nice…if we had the money to afford it. I wonder if I could rent a formal? I’ve nowhere else to wear a formal after that so it would just waste away in my closet and be relegated to Halloween costume. *sigh* Such is my life.
A trip to Scotland and England would be so nice together. But I fear not bloody likely. James will hem and haw about it until its just too late to respond. I’d hate to go alone, that would suck. But I really really want to go!!!! Can I have a tantrum now?
Well, I should get motivated and get out to Staples to make photocopies of forms and crap. And figure out how to convince James that we really must go to Scotland in May!