What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, February 24, 2006
  Pizza, Pirates and Things
Well, I started my new job at Domino’s the other day. I guess its not so bad. The first day was just mostly listening to their training CD and touring the shop. Its kinda like a recorded tourist thing of the museum or Biltmore house, but it’s a pizza shop instead. I had visions of The Matrix, and wondered how much it would cost to have one of those things installed in the back of my brain so I could learn Kung-Fu. ;-)

Yesterday I worked the dinner “rush”. It wasn’t really all that busy, but I made quite a few pizzas. With James and the assistant manager Brittney hanging over my shoulder of course. And, wonder of wonders, I didn’t burn myself on the pizza oven. Yet! Its only a matter of time.

Answering the phones and taking orders proved to be more difficult than you’d think. Mostly the problem is the dang accents. I don’t understand them, plus with the noise from the ovens, and crappy phone connections, its hard to figure out what the heck they’re saying sometimes! I suppose I’ll get used to it, but we’ll probably move before then. ;-) Mid-west accents may be a bit easier for me to understand, as it’s a bit closer to home.

Check this out, one of the guys at the shop got this for me yesterday from Burger King.
RCMP SpongeBob!
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Sorry its not very clear, but its still in the package. Neat eh? Something else to add to my Canadiana collection. Strange they have an RCMP SpongeBob tho. I never watch the show, so I can only assume its something from there. Meh…its funny no matter. :-)

When I got home from work last night, James was already home, and George came running to greet me at the door. She got all excited because I smelled like pizza, and she kept sniffing at me, and then looking at James like “hey! She smells like pizza just like you do! Wow! Sniff sniff sniff…I like pizza!”

I was looking at the Pirate on-line magazine No Quarter Given last night for something to do, (James was watching MXC, and I don’t particularly like that show) and there is a Pirate Festival in Port Washington, WI on Lake Michigan. We like pirates, and as we’ll be in Wisconsin by then (hopefully) we just may be able to go. Looks like fun. I wouldn’t mind going for a cruise on the tall ship too, I love sailing on tall ships.

I was also looking at real estate listings in Rice Lake, we’re trying to find somewhere affordable, that has a dishwasher (very important!) and with a fairly large yard for the dogs. 1 acre or more would be great, but if we can find something that already has a privacy fence up around a large enough yard, we’ll take it! Although James and I are having difficulty agreeing on just how big the yard needs to be. I figure half an acre should be good enough for them; he wants several acres for some reason. No idea why, because he’ll only bitch and complain about having to mow it all the time. :-p *sigh* About the only thing we can absolutely agree on is the dishwasher, and the need for at least 3 bedrooms (one for us, one for guests, and one for an office or dog room).

My daffodils are about to bloom already. They should be flowering in a couple of days. I should get out there sometime and clean up the front flower gardens, get the grass out of there and make it look a bit nicer. Whatever will help sell this place quicker! We were both looking at the horribleness that is the bedroom walls last night, and we’re either going to have to tear out the drywall and completely re-do it all, or find some different kind of paneling to cover it. It really is a mess in there, and no matter how much putty we use, its still going to look like crap. I dunno what the previous owners did, but it looks like they just used scraps and pieced it all together. With different width sheets at that! It just looks awful. :-p No idea what type of paneling we can use to cover it, I’m loathe to put up the same kind of fake wood that was up there before, I guess I’ll have to go shopping. Darn. ;-)

James hasn’t got finalized word yet on when he’ll be going for his next training, but it’ll likely be soon. I will have to stay home this time tho, its for a week and we wont’ be able to afford the $1000 or so for boarding the dogs. Which is fine with me! I can’t handle that drive again. Plus we need to save money for our Scotland trip. I get paid hourly, so if I’m not at work, I don’t get paid. James is on salary. Hopefully we can save enough money now to at least pay for our airfare right away, and then we can just put our hotel and stuff on plastic.

Well, that’s about it. Not much going on around here other than makin’ pizzas and trying to find a house to move to. And trying to figure out what to do with this one to make it look nicer.

Oh, and we didn’t win the lottery. :-p
I figured you had started work as I hadn't heard from you this week.
As for smelling like pizza; that's better than smelling like sugar! Cousin Erin still can't go into a Tim's since she left the job there. Imagine that! Good thing she can still do the drive through. ;)

Missy-moo had a lovely birthday party. I will scan pictures when I get them back. Still haven't found the cable for the digital camera. I'll have to check out Samsung for replacement.

Your little sister is going back to work next Monday, the 6th. She took the baby to the day care for an hours introduction tour. Sort of your first day at Dominoes, but shorter. Amelia is only 12 months old. Shorter attention span.
AJ is not too sure about going back to "little school" every day. He loved having mummy home with him three days a week. His first question,"Will you come back for me?" Chrissy explained she would drop the two of them off and daddy would pick them up, just like before. So far there is only one car seat in the truck, so AJ had to ask where Amelia is going to sit. Good question!

Have you considered bead board for the bedroom? It's as easy as paneling but takes paint colour very well. I'm planning on putting it in the kitchen, up to countertop level and as backsplash behind the long counter. Looks decent and very affordable.

Winter is back. Snow last night with promise of more today, tomorrow and Monday. Andrew will have enough money for a real date with the new girlfriend and I'll be broke. Ah well. He does have the drive cleared before I get home from work. It's worth it.

Please scritch the pups and hug the hubby for me. And a huge hug from me to you

luv you
I don't think bead board would work, we need to cover the entire wall, ceiling to floor, not just a chair rail height. And the walls are all crooked, it would end up looking just as piecemeal as it does now.

I may try some textured wallpaper, or just get some newer fake wood paneling.
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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