What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, March 17, 2006
Recently I have noticed that I may shortly be getting myself into a rather strange conundrum. Mainly, my website address Canuck in NC will be rather odd once we move to Wisconsin!

The blog probably won’t be all that difficult to change, I’ll just make a new one and maybe just link back to this one. The conundrum lies in my domain name, which is licensed I believe thru 2008. Should I keep canuckinnc even after we move? Hmmmm…

Any suggestions about what to call my blog after we move? Keeping in mind of course that we’re still not positive that we’ll be moving to Wisconsin, but it is likely. As it stands right now, the franchiser up there is strangely trying to talk James out of it, while the Franchise Regional Manager for Domino’s is trying to get him up there asap. The conflicting information is a bit annoying, so the plan is to first take a trip up there to have a look before we commit to anything. We’ll clandestinely spy on the shop for a couple of days before we make ourselves known. Sneaky yes, but we want to figure out why the current owner is losing so much money. It could be several reasons, we think it may just be because he’s spread himself too thin and is never there to mind the store, and when the cat’s away…

We may not be able to trip up there til mid-May however, mainly because of money and timing. We are hoping to go to Scotland early May of course then we figure we’ll just head to Wisconsin after that. James and his brother are still trying to get the estate settled, which isn’t going to happen until end of May, early June now, so we can’t do any moving house til after that is completed anyhow.

I went yesterday to H&R Block to get our taxes done. Yet again they’re “doing some research” to figure out how to report my Canadian RRSP income, but when I left their office yesterday, they had us getting a return of enough to pay for a portion of our Scotland trip. That will be nice! If we get the check back in time, if not we’ll just run up the credit card and pay it off when we get back.

This morning I spoke with a fellow Canadian in the US who also married an American. She is having one helluva time getting thru the adjustment of status phase tho! They’ve had to move (due to hurricanes and whatnot) twice since she arrived, and USCIS has not once forwarded her file to the appropriate district office. She’s now living in South Carolina, and has a biometrics (fingerprinting) appointment in Charlotte, NC and another appointment in Florida! ACK! I’m so glad we are done with US immigration for a few years! It really is so frustrating. Nearly as frustrating as Canadian immigration. :-p

I get a headache just thinking about it.

Last night we watched “History of Violence” with Viggo Mortensen on DVD. Ok movie I guess. A bit predictable.

Then we went to the cinema to see Ultra-Violet. I’m not sure what I thought of this movie really. Sometimes the storyline seemed broken and jagged and difficult to follow, but the CGI was cool, in a comic-bookish sort of way. It was something to do anyway. And the cinema was pretty much empty. I think there was just 5 of us in for this movie, and all the other screens seemed to be empty. I dunno how they stay open. But I guess the occasional block-buster opening that has people lined up down the block pays the bills. When we went for Harry Potter last year, it was pretty busy for a few nights in a row.

Speaking of Harry Potter, I need to get the DVD. Maybe this week. Today is payday, we’ll see how much I’ll have and if there’s “extra” (HA!) I’ll treat myself. When’s movie 5 going to be released? I know they’ve started filming, so I guess next year sometime. They should really just film 5 & 6 together, and start in on 7 as soon as the book is released. The kids are just getting too old to play these parts. If they wait too long, Daniel Radcliff will be 30 by the time they film #7!

I hope book 7 is better than book 6. I was rather disappointed with that one. I got the feeling that her daughter wrote most of it. :-p

Well, I think I shall go watch Good Night and Good Luck now before I have to go to work.
Hi Reba,

Woe is me. I seemed to have developed a major aversion to flying, and as such, missed the last 2 flights I was supposed to take to CLT!

Regarding taxes, try Liberty, they are good and the funny thing is, they started in Canada! If you think you are having problems, try this dilemma: a Canadian citizen, with a green card, yet still lives in Canada..


YAY! King Kong comes out on DVD March 28, along with some production diaries. Titanic just released a 3 DVD set with a TON of extras. Awesome.

HOpe you are well
you could always take the bus!
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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