I'm an idiot!
The other day I went and bought one of those car top cargo carriers at Sears, and had them install it. When I was driving home, James called to remind me not to drive into the carport, because it wasn’t tall enough with the carrier. Which I already knew of course, he just felt it necessary to remind me.
He should have reminded me the following night, when I was going home from work. ‘Cuz what did I do when I got home? Forgot the carrier was on top, drove right underneath the carport, and
crunch….crash….grind…What the he….Ooooh! heh heh. I got out and looked up, figured there’s no way I’m gonna get out of that without help, so just went into the house to watch TV and wait for James to get home.
He walked in a few hours later, cocked his head sideways like the dogs do when they’re confused or hear a squeaky noise, and he said “what did you do?” I said “I forgot…”
The next morning we went out to see in the light of day what the damage was. Not too bad considering. Check this out…


James had to remove a few screws and hold the top of the carport up so that I could back out without ripping anything to shreds. I wonder how many of the neighbours were watching and laughing?
*snarf* I’m such an idiot. It really was funny though!
Once I was out, James got the lids to the garbage bins and put them on the driveway under the carport, with a big stick over them so that I couldn’t drive under there anymore. We had a good laugh about it at work later that day. :-)
And no, the idiocy does not stop there! No siree!
On Friday I took the dogs to the groomers in Hickory about half an hour away from home, and because it takes 4 hours to finish with that, and I didn’t want to waste gas driving back and forth a couple more times, I figured I’d just wander around and pick up a few things that we need for our trip up to Wisconsin this week.
First stop Sam’s Club. I do think Wall Mart is evil, but Sam’s Club has the cheapest packages of Pig Ears treats for the dogs. 25 ears for only $9.99, and everywhere else is like $11 for 10 ears. Even if they are evil, that price is difficult to pass up!
Next stop was IHOP. I wanted to try their Cinna-Stax. Very tasty, a bit on the sweet side tho. And doesn’t look nearly as pretty as on the TV ads. I had my fill there, and headed to the mall, because it was still 2+ hours til I could pick up the dogs.
Somehow, a few things managed to fall out of my wallet while I was walking thru Belk’s in the mall. Nothing incredibly important, just my Air Canada points card, AT&T calling card, and a few other odds and sods. One card in the mix was the business card of my accountant who is now doing our taxes. That was the only identifying phone number in the bunch, so Belk’s security called him, he called me, got my voice mail, called James, who then called me. I went back to Belk’s and got my cards, all neatly bundled in an elastic band.
I then promptly lost them again in Hallmark! But I didn’t know this until hours later when I was on my way home with the dogs, and already late for work. The lady at Hallmark called me to say they were there, and I said I’d have to go get them the next day because I had to get to work. She had my phone number because I have one of their frequent buyer cards.
The lesson in this of course is to either always carry your wallet in a purse or in your pocket. I had neither on that day, and stuff was just falling out all over the place!
I have been on the prowl for “the perfect purse” for about 15 years now. It apparently does not exist. The fashionable purses these days are either throwbacks to the 80’s, or are just too small to carry much more than a cucumber and a tube of lipstick. I have no need for either of those things really, so the search continues.
*sigh*Well, we’re heading up to Wisconsin tomorrow. We’re driving of course, and taking the dogs along with us. This should be fun….ummm….yeah….my ass is screaming in pain already!
Its over 1000 miles from here to there so we’ll be making a stop at the halfway mark in Lebanon, Indiana. Its difficult to find hotels that allow large dogs, most have size restrictions of maximum 50 pounds. Ours are a bit bigger than that. ;-) And there aren’t any campgrounds open yet, its still a bit early in the season above the Mason/Dixon. Its already over 80F here and humid. When I was making our reservations at the hotel in Rice Lake, WI I asked “what’s the weather like up there?” The lady said “oh, its nice, its about 49F today!” The dogs will enjoy the cooler temperatures I’m sure, unless James cranks the heat up in the hotel room like he does here at home and at work! Then I think the dogs and I will just sleep out in the truck. :-p
We plan to “spy” on the store up there for a couple of days before we make ourselves known as the prospective new owners. Apparently the store is losing quite a bit of money, and we want to find out why. It could be crummy service, bad reputation from the previous owner (who was caught dealing drugs there apparently), or it may be that the locals just don’t care for Domino’s for whatever reason. We want to find out before we invest too much time and money and move all the way up there.
If we do decide its worth a shot, we’ll also be looking at real estate listings probably. We will still need to do some more fixing up of this house before we can sell it, but its not likely we’ll be able to rent a house up there, not with our 2 beasties, so we’ll need to buy. Hopefully something with a bit of land for the dogs to play, if its already fenced, even better!
Our trip to Scotland is also taking shape now. Hopefully moving won’t interfere with that too much. We can’t back out now, Chris & Alison have asked me to do the hand binding ceremony. Chris says its my fault that they met, so I might as well. ;-)
Good grief its hot in here…we’re going to have to put the a/c box in the window soon! Ugh.
Catch ya later! Probably when we get back from Wisconsin.