What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Thursday, April 27, 2006
  Travel Planning
Well, our flight is booked, our hotels are booked, and we have both found formal clothes to wear to the wedding. Apparently I’m still required to wear a hat, so I do need to find one before we go. Not sure I like this idea, but its tradition, and who am I to buck British tradition? Considering I’ll be performing part of the ceremony, I suppose I should look presentable.

I’d post pictures of the dress I bought, but I think I’ll wait to show it to you til after the wedding. I do plan to be uploading pics during the week that we’re away, so you can all keep up with us. I just have to find the camera software so I can load it to James’ laptop before we leave.

On Tuesday this week, I went on my marathon shopping excursion to find “the perfect dress”, and I was out for 7 hours or so. Its prom season here so most of the “formals” are frilly frou frou things, and totally not my style, nor appropriate for a morning wedding. I ended up finding one at Dillard’s, its kind of silvery blue, a long tank dress, with a jacket that has beads on it. I even found a matching pair of shoes, just a slightly lighter shade of silvery blue. Now to find a hat…

James has quit his job at the local Domino’s so that he can start to arrange all the stuff he needs to before we take over the store in Wisconsin. He needs a business license, and he needs to incorporate and yadda yadda yadda. We think he may have to go up ahead of me for a while to find a house up there for us. I’ll stay here with the dogs for a bit.

He also needs to do some work on the house. I never did get anything done in the bedroom, after finding the holes in the walls under the paneling, I stopped. We’ll have to figure out what to do now to either fix or cover those. Plus there are a few other things that need to be done before the house will be sellable. I’m not even sure it would pass an inspection, and I’m seriously surprised it was allowed to be sold to my father-in-law. Bless his heart, he meant well to buy us this house, but it will likely cost us more to fix it up to sell it than we can afford. At least we’ll have the cash after we’ve sold it to use for a down payment on something up north.

I’ve kept my job at Domino’s for now, mostly because we don’t know when I’ll be able to follow James to Wisconsin, so I’ll need money to live on while he’s away. I worked my first full shift under the new GM, and already I’m terribly disappointed in the way he’s running things. He’s going to lose quite a lot of customers and very quickly, I can already tell that. He’s brought with him his own shift-runner, who makes rather sloppy pizzas, and who won’t let anyone else near the dough table. The sauce isn’t put on correctly, its too far from the edge, and there’s not enough cheese. Cutting costs, or rather, trying to cut costs, usually just looses customers. And the GM, in all his wisdom, rather than working as a manager as he should, works as a driver, thinking this will make him some extra money. Hmph! People in this town don’t tip much, he’ll be disappointed, and so will the fran be when he sees the labour costs. We had 6 people on shift last night, about 2 or 3 too many for a Wednesday. But, its not my call, so I just keep my mouth shut and do my job. I do think he’s trying to run me off tho, as soon as I walked in the door and clocked in last night, he asked me when I want to leave. Just to piss him off I stayed til 8:45 :-p ;-)

I dunno how I’ll do it, but I have to stick it out probably at least til the end of June. I’m trained to be a shift-runner and assistant manager, but he’s demoted me to CSR. Which is fine, my pay rate is still assistant manager, its not my fault he doesn’t want to use me in that capacity is it? My next cheque should be nice, last week I had 32 hours in, not bad for a part timer eh? I closed for James a couple of times because he was sick. Makes for long days, but the pay’s not bad. For around here anyway.

Gas prices are going up every day, and the delivery guys are complaining all the time. I remind them that the US has the cheapest gas prices in the western world, and if they don’t’ want to pay $60 for a take of gas, maybe they ought to buy a smaller car, rather than the urban assault vehicles most of them drive. (I need a rolling eyes git for my blog). Seriously, if your chosen profession is pizza delivery guy, perhaps the Jeep Grand Cherokee, or the Ford F-350 pickup isn’t such a good idea :-p

Ah well, wait til their gas prices go up over $5 a gallon and see what happens. Its been that way in the UK for several years, and in Canada for over a year now. If they whine about $2.50 or $3 a gallon here now…wow, I wouldn’t want to be a gas monkey that’s all I can say!

Ciao for now, gotta get ready for work!
sounds like way too much work to me! ;-)
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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