Joss Whedon Fans Unite!
Its Joss Whedon’s birthday on June 23, and somehow his fans got it together and arranged special screenings of his feature movie “Serenity” in Australia, USA, and Canada. Check out the website
Can’t Stop The Serenity to see if there’s a screening near you.
Proceeds from the evening go to Joss’ favourite charity
Equality Now Equality Now
Equality Now works to end violence and discrimination against women and girls around the world through the mobilization of public pressure. Issues of concern to Equality Now include:
RAPE DOMESTIC VIOLENCE REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS TRAFFICKING FEMALE GENITAL MUTILATION POLITICAL PARTICIPATION GENDER DISCRIMINATIONThere are two ways to fight a battle like ours. One is to whisper in the ear of the masses, try subtlely and gradually to change the gender expectations and mythic structures of our culture. That's me. The other is to step up and confront the thousands of atrocities that are taking place around the world on an immediate, one-by-one basis. That's a great deal harder, and that's Equality Now. It's not about politics; it's about basic human decency.
- Joss Whedon I hope to be able to go to the one in Charlotte if I can get the evening off work. I love the movie, and what better way to celebrate Joss’ birthday?
Happy Birthday Joss, and make us some more movies will ya!?