What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
  Odds ‘n’ Ends
Yesterday I had to go to the bank because I’ve forgotten my bank card PIN and I wanted to have it re-set. Now, anytime I’ve had to do this back in Canada, I just go into the branch, tell them I need to re-set my card and we can fix it right there. Swipe the card, and pick a new PIN. Not here! Nope nope nope! They have to Send Away for a new one! It’ll take a Week or more to get it. How ridiculous!

Also back home banking had become pretty much paperless. Need to make a deposit? No, don’t fill in a deposit slip, just swipe your card, hand over the cheque or cash to the teller, and there ya go. Need to make a withdrawal? No need to write a cheque to cash or write a withdrawal slip, just swipe the card. Right there at the teller’s desk/wicket. No grumbling about the pens that don’t work or rummaging in your purse. Banking was so much easier, and about a decade ahead of banking here in the US. So much for civilization! ;-)

I took Bruno to the vet yesterday for some booster shots, and the vet said he could stand to lose 10 to 15 pounds! Hmph! He’s only 170 pounds! That’s about average for a Saint Bernard! Overweight my foot!

He is a bit flabby tho, and could do with some more exercise, but we can’t get out much these days. Its too bloody hot out during the day time, the dogs can’t handle heat over 80F/26C; and James has started back to work as a “floater” and usually ends up working evenings til close, and I work evenings whenever I have a shift. Kinda hard to take the dogs out for a walk after midnight after an 8 hour shift. :-p

Oh well, we’ll have to figure something out I suppose. We don’t want him, or George for that matter, to get sick or shorten their lives because they get fat. The vet said to feed him about 25% less than he had been eating, we only let him eat about 4 or 5 cups of food per day! Plus treats…which isn’t much, but they do probably get more “people” food than they should. So, no more “people” food, and more exercise. When we can get out. *sigh*

Well, in honour of today’s date 6/6/06 last night I made us a Devil’s food cake, From Scratch! And for a bit of devilish fire, I put a bit of cinnamon extract in the icing (frosting to you Americans!). And boy is it yummy! The cake is not quite as fluffy as it should be because my electric mixer decided to crap out on me before I could get it all mixed, but its still edible. Its very difficult to whip egg whites to a froth by hand with a fork. I don’t even have an egg beater. I should get one. And a new electric mixer. Maybe one of those fancy ones ;-) Like this
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Yesterday I mailed out my monthly newsletter and sales book, and to my local Watkins customers I also included invitations to a “Mystery Host” Good Tastings party. For June 18th. Which, until I spoke to Juli this afternoon, I did not realize it was Father’s Day that day. That happens when you don’t have a father you celebrate these things with. Oh well, maybe some of my customers don’t celebrate it either, or their husbands/fathers always spend the day Away from the women and they’re looking for something to do that day. Hopefully Somebody will show up! If not, I’ll try again next month after I get back from my trip to Toronto. I really need to get some customers who order on a regular basis, it would be nice to make some money. At least enough to pay for my own stuff ;-)

I’m doing pretty good tho, I have 8 downline associates, and continue to work on getting more. I have a couple of ads out there, so I’ll just keep workin’ ‘em! Having a downline is great, I just need customers of my own. Good Tastings parties are about the easiest way to drum up new customers, but I need to get them to show up at the parties!

Ah well, my butt is getting numb, and I have a couple of movies here I could watch while James is at work.

21 days and counting…
I hear you on the banking issues. I hate the way banks operate here in the U.S. It was sooo much easier and more customer friendly in Canada.

Your dogs eat a lot!!! LOL. Guess that must be normal for St. Bernards. I look at what my cats eat (about a 1/2 cup per day each) and laugh. Your dog food bill must be up there.

I hope you can get some regular customers soon. I still need to order my stuff (I know - procrastination!) but now I've gotta wait until hubby's next pay. Too many graduation parties coming up. Grrrrrr.
Actually, our dogs eat less than most smaller more active dogs. Their motabolism isn't the same as say a Labrador, or even a Spaniel. Plus we feed them a premium food called Chicken Soup (they also have a cat food) that's got fewer fillers in than most pet foods. A 35 lbs bag only costs $27 and we buy 2 bags a month. Not bad really :-)
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
If you're interested in starting your own Watkins home based business, take a look at My Shopping and Information Site. Watkins ships anywhere in North America.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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