What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, August 25, 2006
  First Week
Well, I've completed my first week at my new job, and it seems to be going well. I've had 3 people say to me that everyone says I'm doing a good job, and one of those people was the Publisher (he's the Big Cheese in the office). For the first 3 days, one guy would stop by my desk and say "wow, you came back!" like its such a surprise. My supervisor said the same thing to me yesterday and I said "yeah, and next week I may even put a picture on my desk!" *snarf*

I get a day off next week for my birthday. How cool is that? I get my birthday off as a paid holiday!

This company is pretty good, even hourly full-time employees get paid holidays on New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labo(u)r Day (I tell ya, its hard to spell that without the dang U!), Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. Plus the birthday of course. Not a lot of companies in the US do this, at least not in the south, or maybe its just this state, I dunno. Not for hourly employees that I've heard anyway.

Plus, my health benefits start on November 1st, I just don't know how much its going to cost me yet. James has only been working 1 or 2 days a week for the Domino's so that he can keep his medical insurance. If I can get him on mine for not too much money, then he can finally quit that sweatshop and maybe find something else. Or collect disability, I don't care. As long as he does the vacuuming. ;-)


We bought a new computer the other day, just haven't got it out of the box yet. This one keeps crashing, there's a bug in it somewhere and we can't find it, its rather annoying. The new one has spyware blocker, so that'll be much betterer. Plus, its got one of those awesome new graphics cards, which is why James bought it. He plays games mostly, and this old monitor isn't all shiny like the new one. Its also got a TV chip in it, so we can watch and record TV shows on our computer. That's pretty cool! There's a few schedule changes this Fall Season, which was messing up our Thursday nights! Now we can record one and watch the other. This'll save us on having to buy a TiVo. :-) We're waiting to set it up after we move, so that it doesn't get all full of dog fur too soon. :-p

James also bought me an easel and some canvases and some sketch pads and paint brushes. Just before Christmas last year he had bought me an art set, with some paints and pastels and whatnot, but I never had any paper or canvas, or any decent brushes. The kit only came with 2 cheapo ones. Now I do. I think I will paint the dogs' portraits. I've never worked with oils before, only watercolours, so we'll see how that goes. I'll be lucky if it doesn't end up looking like a Salvador Dali or Pablo Picasso. ;-)

If I do any amazing masterpieces, I'll post 'em here.

Catch ya later.
You'll love having a new 'puter.
I love mine. Disc cleanup takes like 30 seconds. That's it. All done! ;)
I'm jealous, you get your Birthday off after only 1 week. I've been at Tyco for 18 years, the only way I get my birthday off is to take a vacation day. We do get a free lunch though. And cake. No ice cream. We get a state of the business speech, complete with overheads. Woohoo!

I'm not complaining, just stating a fact.

Chrissy just left, had to get home to pack the kids' overnite bags for a trip to the other grandparents. The guys are ripping out all the carpet Saturday, starting to lay the new hardwood. Hopefully, the main floor will be done by Sunday night. Yeah, right. :rolleyes:

James did say he'll remove that black thing sitting on the front porch and put it in the bin. Providing Roger or Paul can come help him lift it. It'll be good to get it gone. It takes up too much room, and it's just plain ugly.

Hug the James, scritch the pups from Grandma please.

So pleased your enjoying it (been waiting for the post all week - how sad is that) and keep using the U's they belong there!!!!!!
Hi Reba,

Congrats on surviving your first week at work at your new job. How's your back?

I am still unemployed and realizing that it's expensive being a bum@

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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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