What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, August 11, 2006
  What if I want to go to school?
Or to be more specific, college.

I was just looking at a couple of the local community college curriculums, and wondering about registering for a few classes. I gotta say, it’s a whole lot different here than in Canada! In Canada if you want to take a few college classes, you show up during registration time, fill out a form, pay the money and there ya go. Not here! Nope nope nope…Back home, most of the classes that are available to full time students during the week days are also available to “continuing education” students on evenings and weekends. Not here! I don’t recall when I went to college night school classes in Toronto that I had to write entrance exams and give them my high school records.

According to what I’ve read on the CVCC and WPCC websites, you must write an admissions test, have your high school and any other college transcripts sent to them, and only Then can you attend classes. You can register, but you can’t attend until you get these things. I find this rather restrictive, and quite honestly, discriminatory.

There doesn’t seem to be any “mature student” allowances. I don’t get it. Why bother having “higher education” if it is so restricted? I can’t imagine how high school students feel when they’re contemplating post secondary schools. Maybe that’s why there’s so many American students in foreign schools, its easier to get in!

Now I know that Canadian universities require a pre-registration entrance exam or something, but not community colleges. This seems excessive.

I was thinking of taking some writing courses. English literature, journalism, stuff like that. CVCC even has some anthropology courses that look really interesting. I could be an anthropologist right? If I could just get in the damn door! Sheesh!

*sigh* I dunno…maybe I’ll email them and find out if they do have mature student allowances and they just don’t advertise it. I think I’m too late for the Fall Semester though, classes start next week.
I've done the CC thing as an adult student. Best thing is to get in the car and go right over and find an admissions counselor who can help smooth the way--especially if you are paying cash or dropping the ole' Visa on them. There should be no reason why you couldn't attend the class--there is quite a bit of confusion on the 1st few days and if your name isn't on the attendance list, no one would be too upset about it. It isn't like you'd be asked to leave or something! Even if you were applying for financial aid, you'd still be able to get a seat now.
What Katrinka said!
here is the college's reply from my email question:

We do require your high school transcript if you are taking classes in a program to get a degree or certificate. If you are only coming in to take a golfing class or something like that, you do not.

I don't even like golf :-p

honestly, this is fucked up! Fall semester starts this week, there's no way I'm gonna do it this year.
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