What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Saturday, September 02, 2006
  Going Organic
Ok, I don't advertise my Watkins business very often here, but you just have to check this out! I know a lot of people who are concerned about pesticides and additives in foods and spices, and I know a lot of people who are going organic. Well, so is Watkins!

New USDA Certified, 100% Organic Herbs and Spices Available (US Only)
Watkins has been a pioneer in premium, gourmet herbs and spices for over 100 years, so it’s only natural that we offer a premium line of organic herbs and spices. Watkins new line of nineteen USDA certified, 100% Organic Herbs and Spices are packaged in beautiful gold tins, reminiscent of the Gold Medals we received for the highest quality spices in Paris in 1928. And according to the marketing research firm ACNielsen, these nineteen spices represent approximately 70% of the total spice demand for the every day consumer.

Watkins will continue to offer our current line of Gourmet All-Natural Herbs and Spices while meeting the demands of the growing consumer base that prefers organic foods.

Organic Herbs and Spices will be added to the online U.S. catalog September 1 and will appear in the 2007 U.S. Main Line catalog.

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Watkins Organic Herbs and Spices

00503 Basil 0.56 oz $4.99
00590 Black Pepper 4 oz $5.99
00591 Chili Powder 1.6 oz $4.99
00598 Cinnamon 2 oz $4.99
00592 Cumin 1.6 oz $4.99
00505 Curry Powder 1.8 oz $4.99
00509 Dill 0.70 oz $4.99
00596 Dry Mustard 1.9 oz $4.99
00500 Garlic Powder 2.8 oz $4.99
00595 Ginger 2 oz $4.99
00507 Ground Cloves 2 oz $5.99
00589 Nutmeg 2 oz $6.49
00501 Onion Powder 1.9 oz $4.99
00594 Oregano 0.63 oz $4.99
00593 Paprika 1.9 oz $4.99
00508 Parsley 0.25 oz $4.99
00504 Rosemary 0.78 oz $4.99
00506 Sage 0.78 oz $4.99
00502 Thyme 0.99 oz $4.99

Why Organic?
A growing segment of North American consumers is seeking organic food for all or part of their diet. To meet these needs, Watkins now offers a new line of USDA certified, 100% Organic Herbs and Spices. These Organic Herbs and Spices are another way to expand Watkins Associates’ customer base.

Organic food differs from conventionally produced food in the way it is grown, handled, and processed. The U.S. Department of Agriculture offers this definition of organic food:

“Organic food is produced by farmers who emphasize the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality for future generations. Organic meat, poultry, eggs, and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic food is produced without using most conventional pesticides; fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or sewage sludge; bioengineering; or ionizing radiation. Before a product can be labeled ‘organic,’ a Government-approved certifier inspects the farm where the food is grown to make sure the farmer is following all the rules necessary to meet USDA organic standards. Companies that handle or process organic food before it gets to your local supermarket or restaurant must be certified, too.”

Watkins Organic Spices are certified organic by the USDA National Organic Program under its most stringent standards: 100% organic.

Watkins Organic Herbs and Spices complement our current line of Gourmet Herbs and Spices
Watkins will continue to offer our current line of Gourmet All-Natural Herbs and Spices. They are the highest quality spices available, gathered from the world’s best sources and processed within Watkins’ high standards.

Pepper, it’s not all the same
Watkins Organic Black Pepper is made from peppercorns grown in various parts of the world including such places as Mexico and Sri Lanka, while our Purest Granulated Black Pepper is made from premium Malabar peppercorns from the coast of India and Lampong peppercorns from Indonesia. As a result the taste profile between Watkins Organic Black Pepper and Watkins Purest Granulated Black Pepper is distinctly different. And while Watkins Organic Black Pepper is ground, our Purest Granulated Black Pepper is produced through our exclusive granulation process and remains the highest quality pepper that you and your customers have enjoyed for generations.

Summary of Watkins Herb and Spice offerings
Complete line of Gourmet All-Natural Herbs and Spices in glass bottles as well as Pepper and Cinnamon in 6 oz and 12 oz tins.
Selection of 7 Gourmet All-Natural Herbs and Spices in tins (U.S. only, available only during Watkins 2006 Gift Line).
A selection of 19 USDA Certified, 100% Organic Herbs and Spices (U.S. only, available September 1).

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If you're interested in purchasing these new organic spices, or any other Watkins products, click into my Watkins website and "Watkins Products" on the left menu. My associate number is 363337. Or email me for more information.

This is going to be a great cooking and baking season, with all these new ingredients!
MMmm, I saw this on our Watkins site and was very happy to see Organic. I hope this line comes to Canada soon. I know a family or two who will order.
Mumma had a Watkins milestone this month. One of my orders this month I actually made money. Only because I had done my "personal" shopping the order before.

If I could only say No to myself.:)
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
If you're interested in starting your own Watkins home based business, take a look at My Shopping and Information Site. Watkins ships anywhere in North America.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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