Happy Thanksgiving
To my Canadian family and friends.
I got up this morning, and made a pumpkin pie, and at the moment, I’m smokin’ a couple of turkey breasts out on the grill. It’s a wonderfully blah drizzly day. Just as Canadian Thanksgiving should be! Too bad its not snowing, that would cap it.
I’ve also got a pan of parsnips, taters and carrots in the oven. I par boiled them then put them in a baking pan with some grapeseed oil, salt and Italian pepper. James doesn’t know if he’s ever had parsnips before. Sheesh, what did his Mother ever feed him? Never had rhubarb before a couple weeks ago, and never had parsnips!
I smell all smokey. I put some hickory chips on the coals. It’ll probably take a while to cook those pieces of bird, but I’m sure gonna love it! James doesn’t like bird of course, so he’s having steak :-p Then he has to go to work this afternoon, so it’ll be an early feast. This is normal for him, but not so much for me. His family always had holiday dinners at lunch time I’m used to later in the day. But today its just the two of us, and the dogs.
And back to work tomorrow. Then it’ll be Happy Columbus Day, to celebrate the discovery of not America ;-) He actually found the Caribbean. But I s’pose if they want to continue the myth, it’s an excuse for a holiday. We need more holidays down here in the States. There’s not nearly enough.
Well, for your enjoyment,
here’s an article from the Morganton News Herald.