AND Canadian Favourites is adding Campbell's Tomato soup to their products. Just for me! I emailed to ask them to add it, cuz all the stuff here in the US has high fructose corn syrup :-p
Yay! Food, glorious food!
And I'm goin home in 14 days for early Christmas!
¶ 7:42 PM
And there will be more food, glorious food whilest you're here. Aunty Sam wants to book some lunch time because she's busy with Fiona on our "dinner" day. Your sister has requested a tea party. I will greet you at the airport with Timbits. It's a new tradition. Did you know that each Timbit is only 1 point on the weightwatchers flex plan. Except for the glazed sourdough. They're 2 points. Guess which one is my favourite. ;) Twelve days left til Becky time.
Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
If you're interested in starting your own Watkins home based business, take a look at My Shopping and Information Site. Watkins ships anywhere in North America.
I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!