What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
  What would you do?
This evening I was at the grocery store and as I was leaving with my groceries, heard a couple of guys talking about a dog wandering around the parking lot. One of them said "he looks lost, I hope somebody didn't just drop him off, he's a good lookin' dog". I looked around and spotted him a couple of lanes away, looking nervous and jittery.

I got my groceries into my car, then carefully walked over to the dog, where he was now munching on some what looked like left-over Chinese food that someone had dumped on the pavement. It was right next to a big pick-up and I didn't want the little ol' guy to get hit. Of course, I say little because my own dogs are so big. This one was a full grown, fairly old chocolate lab. His chin is all white, so maybe middle aged, whatever that is in lab years.

I walked up to him and crouched down and he kinda jumped, but he realised I wouldn't hurt him I guess, and he followed me over to my car. I dialed my cell phone to try and call James, but as we all know, he's half deaf, and was in the basement on his computer so didn't hear the phone. ugh...need to get a phone in the basement...anyway, so I called the animal control, whose number I have on my speed dial list on my cell phone. Why? Because there are so many dang strays wandering around this town! They're closed on weekends, so they have the no-kill shelter number on their answering machine. I called them, and they don't come and pick up strays, so she gave me the number for public safety. I called them, and there were 2 cruisers there within a minute and a half!

Luckily I had some Scooby Snacks in my car and this little ol' guy seemed rather hungry. He may have just wandered off from home, but he seemed confused and lost and really really hungry. Or he may just have bad manners which is why he nearly took my fingers off when I offered the biscuits. ;-)

For whatever reason, when the two male officers approached him, he growled and tried to run away. I had a hold of his collar though, and he happily followed me to the open door of the cruiser and hopped in. I felt so bad when I started to walk away to my car, his face was so sad like "hey, aren't you coming with me?" *sigh*

I gave the officer my phone numbers and told them to call me if no one claims this guy. I'd have brought him directly home if I thought George and Bruno wouldn't beat him up, but if we bring another dog home, they'd have to be acclimated to each other on neutral ground first. He's little, and old, he may not be able to defend himself well enough against these two beasts!

Hopefully he just wandered off and someone is out there looking for him. But for tonight and tomorrow night, he's at the animal control shelter, waiting for the Monday shift (they have weekend shifts to care for the animals, just no administrators to take lost dog reports or post found dog notices.)

In the meantime, when I get to work on Monday I'll put an ad in the paper (I get free classified ads) that I've found him and he's at the shelter. If no one claims him, I guess I will have to help find him a home. I feel kinda responsible. But I just couldn't leave him out there wandering around lonely and hungry, to possibly be killed by a car or shot at (which is fairly common around here).

What would you do?
I would do prety much what you did.
I don't get free ads anywhere but the corkboard at work. One difference is, if all else failed, I could bring him home with me. Max would pout, pobably start chewing his hair again. The old dog wouldn't have to worry about claws, and I figure I could keep up with an older dog. Would get me out of the house more. ;)
Yeah, I just couldn't really bring him home, I was afraid George would hurt him.

I feel really bad about having to leave him in a cage at the shelter for the weekend, it breaks my heart. But hopefully he's got somebody out there looking for him who will take him home tomorrow. :-(

I can't log in as me, Google doesn't like me >:-|
Hopefully, Google will forget they don't like you before they move to Lenoir.
Awwwwww, such a nice fairy dogmother you are! Have you heard whether or not anyone has claimed him yet?

Glad you found the new blog...I'm having a heck of a time trying to link to other blogs, like yours, like I did on the old blogger.com blog. It's a PITA I tell you! But I'll get there.

So you up'd stick and moved house eh? What happened with your old place? Did you guys decide to put it on the market?

Crap, right when I think I've got a few minutes Gabz goes and decides a 20 minute power nap is all she needs. Oi! Wish us luck, her first airplane ride is this Friday...all the way to Seattle. I feel bad already, for the other passengers. *lol*

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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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