Well, once again we’re boosting the signal, and on June 23rd, around the world people will be gathering to watch the movie Serenity.
Why? Because we can. And because we’re probably just a little bit weird.
Yesterday I spent the day with a couple of Charlotte Browncoats at the Morganton Comi-Con. It was kind of pathetic turn-out sadly, but it was subsidized by the city, and for some strange reason, not at all advertised! I work at the newspaper, and I didn’t even know about it til the Charlotte Browncoats emailed me to say they’d be there! Pathetic! Which is a remark on the city and Con organizers, and not at all directed toward the Browncoats.
It was a fun day regardless. We sat watching episodes of Firefly on a laptop, and talkin’ about Joss Whedon, comics, comics written by Joss Whedon (there are lots!) and Sci-Fi/Fantasy in general. As well as other topics that meander their way into conversation.
We got ourselves some comic books, (Astonishing X-men and Serenity for me and some Deathstroke for James) and a couple of promo cards (Firefly and Stargate – TV show) and Stargate movie collectible cards set.
Anyhoo….remember last year James and I went to Charlotte to see the movie? We’re doing it again this year, and again proceeds will be raised for the charity Equality Now. It’s happening all over the world… Canada, USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Austria…
If you don’t see a city near you listed, why not get one going yourself? You’d be surprised how great it is to sit in a movie theatre to watch a favourite movie with other people who feel the same way you do. And it’s a good cause.
This could be the next Rocky Horror Picture Show. ;-)
Yeah yeah, someone somewhere is yelling “blasphemer” at me, I know. So sue me :-p
But I am seriously considering getting myself a nice frilly dress for the shindig.

**edit** sorry if you're getting the dreaded scroll bar, but for some reason, I can't get the pic to shrink. I shrunk it! It won't shrink!