What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, March 16, 2007
  Everything's a repeat
Pretty much everything the past couple of weeks has been re-runs, except Lost, true to their word are running all new eps til the finale. I'm tired of re-runs. bleah.

Anyhow, I got me a new job. Again! After the newspaper was giving me chest pains from stress and anxiety I started looking. I interviewed 3 times! at EJ Victor, and they offered me a job at the third interview. It is slightly more money, but the medical insurance premiums are higher, so it'll be about the same, or maybe even less, than I'm making now. But, A LOT less stress! I just couldn't take any more of it. It causes me pain just to think of it!

Hopefully I'll stick this job out longer than 10 months. ;) Honestly, I could have stayed at the newspaper had they just left me in my hidey corner where I started out. But NoooOOOoooo, they had to go and move me to the freakin' front desk, and plop 3 more jobs on top of it! Including circulation complaints. Of which there are hundreds pretty much every day. In a town of 17,000 at a paper with distribution less than 10,000, that's pretty fricken bad wouldn't you say? bleah.

Anyhow, the new job is at a furniture manufacturer called EJ Victor as their receptionist/data entry. No end customer complaints likely here, and hopefully no death threats or threats of violence upon my person.

AND! I already know someone who works there! Momma Beth, of the local Pagan community works there, and is "out". She also mentioned that she hasn't heard anyone blaring inspirational music from their offices there. The Publisher did that one day at the newspaper, it was rather distracting to say the least.

Well...as there is nothing on TV tonight, I'm going to see about watching the dowloaded (legal!) copy of The Holiday I have waiting. Or maybe I'll just go to bed. Its been a long week. Plus it rained all day today, and that's always tiresome.
CONGRATULATIONS, I'm happy for you... less stress in your life is what you need. Now call me on my toll free number so we can at least say hi fast! ;-) Huggles, Miss you girl
A new job and you already know someone. That's a bonus. :) Less stress is a huge bonus. Even if works out you clear a little less, peace of mind covers a lot.

When do you start? Did you have to give the paper notice? Is it close enough you can get home for lunch still?

Forgive me. It's a mum thing.
Yes, I gave the paper notice, and they're making me work it! I start at EJV on the 29th.

Its not much further than the paper, and closer than the photo studio, so yes, I can get home for lunch still.
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
If you're interested in starting your own Watkins home based business, take a look at My Shopping and Information Site. Watkins ships anywhere in North America.

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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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