What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Monday, March 12, 2007
  When Kings went to war
We just saw 300, and I gotta say, I enjoyed it. Rather than have to type something twice, I'm just going to copy what I just posted
over at CoE for those of you who do not frequent there. Minus a line or word or few.

History aside, its a damn good story, that makes a damn good movie.

And as I said to James on the way home Friar Faramir is looking very....hmm mm...Greek...

I was surprised by a few things, monsters notwithstanding, but the sheer size of Xerxes; and the fact that he is Goa'uld (see Stargate) would explain his ego. But not the piercings.

I didn't like the last movie by the same folks, Sin City, and had my reservations about going to see this one, but I thought it was much better done. ... The colours, the madness, the monsters. It is after all, just a movie.

No, it was totally not politically correct. It was not historically accurate. It was not entirely meant to be. It is a Movie, based on a Graphic Novel. Take it as that, and enjoy.

It got me thinking about when kings went to war. When and who was the last king to walk on a battle field with arrows (or bullets) whizzing overhead, swords dripping blood, shields breaking forearms? Was it in recent memory? Or lost to legend? In my own lifetime, only 3rd or 4th in line would get to the front-lines. Next to the throne is usually far off the coast, listening in. If at all. Sure, Charlie can fly a few aircraft, or sit on a boat. But did he see combat? I don't think so. His son Harry however, has asked to be sent to the frontlines. And off he goes. He's 3rd in line.

I honestly do have to mention of course I know next to nothing about any other monarchy but the British. Mostly tabloid interest of them at best too. And Princess Grace of Monaco. But I was more interested in her movie career prior to her marrying Rainier than her reign as Princess.

In this movie however, the King leads his small but formidable army of 300 to fight the Persians. The Persians have thousands upon thousands. Lionidas led his army into legend. And it is the legend, more than the history that is this latest movie. He leads them to glory and death. And a bloody one at that. If the Greeks had a special heaven for warriors, they all got there I'd have to guess.

I won't give away too much of the movie, you'll just have to see it yourself. But please, it is rated R here in the US, it is Very violent, and there's sex and nudity too. Of course. They're Greek.

Like I said. I enjoyed it. But remember, it is a Movie. Based on a Graphic Novel. Which really is just a fancy word for comic book. Leave reality at the door. ;-)
From the promos I saw, I had little interest. Now I've read your review, I may just go on over to the AMC one night. Or Saturday afternoon. Monsters and mayhem and Faramir too. WooHoo! :)
T took Mitchell to see it and he can't stop talking about it. Said it was better then LOTR's!!! I of course didn't go see it, might see it when it comes out on DVD... But you know me I'm a girly girl! :) I didn't think Mitchell should have seen it but his dad took him... what can a mother do! ;-)
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