What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Sunday, April 22, 2007
  Earth Day
sorry for the lack up updates lately, but we've been having ISP problems. Its been down more than up the past couple of weeks. They suck. :-p Not only does it knock out my internet, but also my Voip phone. bleah.

Anyhoo...Today is Earth Day. What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint today? Or any day for that matter. We've replaced pretty much all of our incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents. I buy organic when I can. Yesterday I re-potted a whole bunch of houseplants, and James started our vegetable garden. We're growing our own, and yes, organic.

I bought a permanent coffee filter for my coffee maker last week. And when I do my grocery shopping, I take my own, re-usable canvas shopping bags. I've been doing that for several years now, but I think I'm one of very few, if not the only one, in this town that does! Its fairly common back home, but apparently not so much here.

I've been thinking of getting a couple portable solar panels. We can't afford to convert entirely to solar, but maybe we can take a couple of small appliances off-grid. Like our cell phones and coffee maker, maybe the bread machine.

I have been looking at new car price-tags, and wondering how I'll be able to get something a lot more environmentally friendly. I can't afford a hybrid (not with my wages and with our medical bills!), but I may be able to finagle a smaller car that uses less gas than our gas guzzling Escape. We'd have to keep the Escape to take the dogs when they go anywhere with us, but for me to just get back and forth to work or shopping, I don't need the monstrosity.

Here's a website that has a list of things that we can all do to help reduce greenhouse gasses.

Well....Happy Earth Day. What will you do to make a difference?
Today I watched "An Inconvenient Truth". Mr. Gore prestented our plight with authority and a great presence. If I hadn'y already been a beliver, I would be now. As they roll credits they add comments on how we can all reduce reduce green house gases. One of course is to drive a smaleer, more petrol efficient vehicle. I do that. Also, to use Enery sacing appliances. Did I mention that when I re-did the kitchen with the new fridge and stove my electric usage went down by almost 50%. And I added the dishwasher. It only gets turned on once a week, twice if I have company, but still. I do use the low watt bulbs in the living room and kitchen and only 40 watt bulbs in my bedoom. I guess my one electrica extravagence is leaving the night light in the bathroom on for the cat. I don't want MAx to fall in the toilet bowl.
I don't have a permanent filter for the coffee maker but I do use the ones made from re-cycled paper.
I do wonder sometimes if I'm really saving energy when I turn the warmer off the coffee maker and re-heat my second cup in the microwave. I do it to save my brain really. I'm always afraid I'll go out and leave the machine on.
Is there an award somewhere for teaching one's son in law ther is also an off switch on lights.> :)

Talk to you soon.
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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