Culture Shock
Do you know just how weird it is for me (as a Canadian) to have to pay for medical services here in the US? At home in Canada there are very few "regular" services we'd have to pay for. Certainly not a routine visit to a doctor, or even specialist.
Yesterday I had a follow up appointment with the endocrinologist. It was supposed to have been in February, but I kept having to re-schedule either because of work, James' surgery, and it kept getting put back and son on. So finally 5 months after my Graves' Disease diagnosis, I got back there. With no insurance. Ouch.
$138 later, I honestly think I should have something to show for it. But I don't. Just a small spot in the crook of my arm where they drew blood, and a little piece of paper with a new prescription on it. $138.00! And I haven't filled the prescription yet! It would have cost me nothing back home. Nada. Zip. Niente. Zilch.
So I asked the doctor, what can I do about all this weight I'm gaining. Know what he said? "Stop eating". :-p ugh...but apparently my thyroid is a teensy weensy bit smaller than before. Unlike the rest of me.
*sigh*I go back in another 6 weeks for more blood work, then another visit 6 weeks after that to discuss the results and maybe lower my methimizole dosage. By then I'll have my insurance though. Which is good, because I'm paying so much for medical insurance that I can't afford anything else!
bleah...richest country on the planet, and they can't give everyone affordable health-care. I'll starve to death before we get this thyroid thing under control I tell ya! It's nutz!