What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Saturday, May 12, 2007
  Planning ahead...
How far in advance do you plan things? A couple of days? Weeks? Months? For the next few months, I seem to have quite a lot of things planned. It is going to be a busy summer!

I've somehow managed to find myself on the planning committee for Pagan Pride Day. See what happens when you make a few suggestions as to how to make the day fun! You end up as the Entertainment Co-ordinator. :-p Our event, which will be called "Catawba Valley-Highcountry Pagan Pride Day" will have a website of our own, but at the moment it is still under construction. We have yet to find a venue either. But we have a name, and we've picked a date, so I guess we're on our way. October 6th, btw, if you'll happen to be in the neighbourhood. I'll let you know which neighbourhood as soon as we find one! ;-)

The planning of course is taking up a few weekend hours over the course of the summer. Plus, along with that, every other Sunday or so is spent with the host group, of which I have also found myself a member, Spiritual Pathways. Its a local Pagan group that gets together for discussions and sometimes fun stuff. Usually there's food involved. Of course.

I'm also hoping to get home for a visit sometime this summer, likely in July. I don't get paid vacation at my new job this year, but they will allow time off. So any trip I take not only costs me for the travelling, but lost wages, so I'm not going far, or often this year!

I also want to get to the Granfather Mountain Highland Games, which is July 12 thru 15. Also, co-incidently the same weekend as the Highcountry Pagan Wilderness Weekend. The Highland Games won out simply because we can go up for just the day, and wouldn't have to kennel the dogs. And because there will be men in kilts. ;-) Of course. I do however want to see about getting myself a bodhran drum, if there are any vendors there with affordable ones. And then somehow learn how to play it before Pagan Pride Day! ;-) *snarf*

In June we have the Big Damn Shindig that is Can't Stop the Serenity. This will be the second year for this event, and it benefits a great cause. Events are planned so far in 47 cities around the globe. I'm very much looking forward to it. Plus, we're also looking forward to getting together with the Charlotte Browncoats to go view Nathan Fillion's new movie Waitress next weekend.

And, TA DA! on August 30th I will be celebrating my 40th birthday! I'm getting old, so to try and keep my youthful sense of fun, we're heading down to Atlanta, GA for Dragon*Con on Labour Day weekend. ;-) I plan on partying all weekend long, and will likely make a fool of myself in public. Yay! And there may be costumes. *snarf*

So, what are your plans this summer? Anything?
Honey you are not getting old, you are getting better! :) 40 is great! :) Miss you
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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