What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Well, along with the hole in my arm where they drew blood I now also have a piece of paper to show for my $138 at the Endocrinologist the other day.

Seems now my thyroid is a bit on the hypo side, rather than hyper, so he's reduced my meds. Maybe now I'll lose some weight, but holy crap, I feel like crap! I could barely stay awake at work yesterday :-p Yes, I had to work the holiday. bleah...

Anyhoo! We have seen Pirates of the Caribbean twice already, and I must say, we quite enjoyed it. Obviously, or why go back the second time right?! Both of us enjoyed it I will add. James as much as me, if not more!

ITs funny really, when the first one was released he refused to see it, just because it has Johnny Depp in it, and because I"d seen it so many times and kept going on about it. Not that he doesn't like Johnny Depp, but I guess he gets jealous that I don't go on about him as much. But then he only wears his pirate garb once in a blue moon so what's he expect? :-p LOL!

But then of course as soon as he caved in and watched the first movie, he loved it, and then was nearly as quick as me to see the second one, and was just as anxious to see the third. Then didn't blink an eye when I made plans with friends for usto see it the second time!

I'm debating on costumes for Dragon Con. If I can lose some weight and get into my garb I won't have to make anything new really, I could likely have a different costume for each day, and not have to buy anything. Oh the wonders of having a previous life as a goth chick and Rennie. I've got garb for all sorts of genres, vampires, Sci-Fi, pirate wench, hobbits (a lot of it can mix and match you know...the Sci-Fi Matrix outfit can double for a vampire with just some super red lipstick and black nail polish, and the Rennie wench can also be a hobbit lass with a bit of tweaking). That is of course, if I can lose about 20 pounds before then. If not, maybe I'll go as Jabba the Hut :-p

Now...do you think I can fit in a Spiderman 3 + Pirates of the Caribbean double feature at the drive-in this weekend? Probably not...

OOoh, I want to see Spiderman 3 too, and go back see Pirates again. If it's rainy on sunday maybe I'll get to see one of them.
This time I'll take my own treats. $11.00 for water and popcorn is redikilus
Yeah, that is a bit crazy for popcorn and water! I dunno how they get away with it. Popcorn costs them about 3 cents per bag er summat, and bottled water surely can't cost them that much when they buy in bulk!

I know htey have to make a profit, but that truly is redikilus.
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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