Can I just be a kid again?
I seriously don't like being an adult sometimes. Too much pressure!
Its getting a bit crazy around here lately, mostly financially because of the lack of finances and the growing list of things that need to be fed money.
Like the other house. We moved out of it in December, and we've been paying the bills for it ever since because for whatever reason James only just now got around to hiring a contractor to do the renovations work that will be required in order to sell it. That's a few thousand dollars. Which hopefully we'll get back with the sale of the house.
Then there's the house we're living in. First and foremost we need a new water heater. We still have hot water (for now), but its been leaking for a couple of months now and it'll probably blow up eventually. I'm sure the leaking is costing us extra in electricity and water as well. bleah.
Then there's the 20 year old refrigerator sucking up probably half our electric bill. Its frost free, and its getting all frosty inside, so I'm guessing that'll be going soon too. The air conditioner is also showing its age and is struggling to keep the house cool. I'm sure a new more efficient one would save us some money on our power bill, but finding a couple thousand dollars to have a new one installed is tricky.
And the other day we had a terrific storm here, which believe it or not, tore the gutters (eavestrough) right off the side of the roof! So now we need to call a roofer and have all the gutters replaced.
The driver side door lock on my truck is jammed so we can't open the door from the outside, and that's going in to be fixed tomorrow. I also have to take it in before the end of the month for its annual emissions test.
Plus I have a doctor appointment because I'm also falling apart at the seams.
George is having hip problems and is going in for x-rays on Wednesday for which they have to knock her out. The anesthetic will probably cost a couple hundred bucks. The joys of living with Giants!
And, to top it all off, my hours just got cut at work to 4 days a week because of slow down. I suppose I should be happy to have a job at all, but this will severely cut into my already paltry weekly paycheck.
Crappy part of it is that I'll have long weekends all summer but no money to enjoy them :-p
I have that old song by The Pursuit of Happiness stuck in my head and it won't go away. Of course, only my Canadian readers will know it. And maybe only the ones from Ontario at that!
ah well...maybe I'll check my lottery ticket and see if we won.