What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Sunday, June 24, 2007
  Can't Stop the Serenity
The signal just keeps getting bigger and bigger and...

Last night was the charity screening of Serenity in Charlotte. And being the second annual, it was a might better organized than the first annual, and better attended too. The Charlotte Browncoats raised over $2400 for Equality Now, and we all had a great time all together talking about, and watching our favourite BDM (big damn movie for those uninitiated )

For me, the shiniest part of the whole night was when they announced that the next door pizza joint Fuel Pizza, would be offering a portion of their proceeds from sales to Equality Now. They handed out a couple hundred vouchers to attendees, and anyone who turned one in when they ordered they'd donate a portion. Of course the poor sods in the pizza joint were understaffed, probably not realizing just how dedicated we Browncoats are to Equality Now, and even if we don't like pizza, we'll buy some just to send them some more money.

It was damn good pizza though! I was impressed. We ate ours on the drive home. Being an hour and a half away, and the dogs had already been cooped up in the house for 8 hours, we didn't have time to socialize.

It never ceases to amaze me how different a movie is when you're sitting in the cinema watching it with 200 other dedicated fans. Everyone knows the proper spots to laugh, or cry, or yell at the screen, or quote dialogue. No one has their phone on, no one is texting their friends one row over, or rudely talking about something or other that has nothing to do with the movie. Its just a great night out. And for a good cause. There'll be another one next year, so save the date. June 23.

There was a silent auction that had some really cool Serenity and Whedonesque stuff but we didn't have enough money to bid on anything because we wanted it all If you follow.

I did buy a copy of the documentary DVD "Done The Impossible" which I'm looking forward to watching today sometime. And, because this is Joss Whedon's birthday week, if you buy a copy of Done the Impossible before the 30th, you'll get a second copy for free to give to a friend, or a copy of the CD soundtrack, your choice. Cool eh? Wish I had known that last night! ;-)

Now, for any readers who are wondering why or how Joss Whedon and his millions of fans get involved with a charity such as Equality Now, I urge you to read his rant posted at Whedonesque.com.

Joss has always been about empowering women, or at the very least, showing that women can be strong, and in charge, just as well as, or perhaps better than, men can. But there are some cultures in this world who quite litterally beat women down to less than nothing. Equality Now, and Joss and his army of Browncoats around the world, wish to stop that. You can help too. You don't have to send money. Money is nice yeah. But another voice is always helpful.

And maybe I'll see you next year at the 3rd annual Can't Stop the Serenity screening. :-)
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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