What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Sunday, June 03, 2007
  Finally, some rain!
We have not had rain here for several weeks. I think for the past 4 weeks, every Wednesday or so "They" say to expect rain, and it never came.

The other day we got a few minutes of rain, but hardly noticeable. Finally last night it started, it is still going now, and its nearly noon. We really needed it. It was about to become a dust bowl here. Grass was turning brown on those lawns that get mowed far too often and far too short, and our vegetable garden was suffering. As I'm sure is our water bill!

Speaking of our vegetable garden, it looks as though we are going to have quite a good potato harvest, and beans. Our tomato plants each have 3 fruits on them at the moment, and more blooms. They're still green though so it'll be a while til I have a fresh tomato sammich. Our carrotts and parsnips however are nowhere to be found. They either don't like the soil, or the groundhog got at them. Some of our squash survived the goundhog, but not much. We may also have some watermelon. The birds ate ALL of the cherries though. The grapes were starting to look a bit dry, but this rain should help them considerably.

I also put out a few of the house plants for a shower, some of them were a bit dusty.

I think today will be a lazy rainy Sunday. James will be going out shortly for his D&D game, leaving me to my own devices. I think I'll just sit and watch Stargate Atlantis season 2 DVDs. James was in Hickory the other day and picked them up for me at Best Buy, while the dogs were at the groomers.

Heeeyyyyy! I think I've got the cure for drought! Take the dogs to the groomers! :-p Seems every time they get a bath, it rains and then they get all muddy again. *snarf* For the time being, they still smell nice, and their coats are all shiny and soft. Won't last long I'm sure!

I won't get many more of these lazy Sundays. We're pretty much booked solid through June and July now, what with PPD planning and other events.

I also just checked the Dragon Con website and see they've added a few celebs to the guest list. The other day my fave vampire James Marsters was added, and today I see everybody's favourite Star Trek - TNG villain (villain? No! he was just misunderstood? antagonist certainly...) "Q" John de Lancie, was added. That for sure will be busy weekend! So much to see and do. We've got our hotel reservations and our tickets booked...only thing left is to save our money so I can pay off the credit card later :-o

Oh, we watched the funniest thing on TV the other night. Henry Rollins had William Shatner on his show. Seems the two of them are fast friends, as well as "fans" of the other. And, I had no idea, but they'd recorded a song together. It is on Shatner's album "Has Been" (that's an amazon.com link, you can have a listen there)

I love both those guys. Strangely, I have none of either of their records/CDs. hmmm...

Well...I'm off to go be lazy!
We had rain too. The garden welcomed it, but it started about 5 minutes after I wound up the weed wacker. I got the walkway into the back yard done.
Chemlawn came today for the first Weed & Feed. Since it's been me doing the mowing I saw just how bad it is out there. Glenn from Zachary Place sent one of his guys over for a look see last week. He left me a note about what I need, (which I knew already) and suggested I mow more often. I had cut the grass the night before, so I scratched my head at that one. Along with the W&F, he said I should aerate in the Fall, so I'll probaly have them do that. At least that doesn't smell. It's been so long since I chemicallized I had forgotten just how awful it stinks.
I tell myself that a lawn of grass w/out dandylions, crabgrass and thistles will be worth the runny eyes. :(

I bought three flats of annuals yesterday; portulaca, lobelia and marigolds. Planting was supposed to happen when I finished the trimming. Needless to say the rain is still happening, off and on. Seems every time I put on the gardening gloves it starts again.
The Weather network says I should be good to go tomorrow afternoon. Maybe I'll leave early!
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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