Oh yeah!
How could I have forgotten already? Must have been the ooey ooey gooey goodness of Spike staring at me ;-)
We went to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix last night! For some reason, quite a lot of the critics are complaining its too long, but its only 2 hours and 18 minutes, and I thought was not long enough! So much had to be cut out of course, as the longest book in the series somehow ended up as the shortest movie so far! There was a couple of spots where I went "huh?" and more than a few others where I was like "wow, cool!", like flying over London at night time. If only...
I forgot to take a kleenex, and I forgot (going in) who it was that dies in this part. Then I remembered, and almost started crying before he even arrived on scene. If you follow. I'm such a sap!
It felt kind of rushed to me, I guess because so much was missing, but all in all it was a darn good movie. The younger principles are getting better and better at their craft, and the actor who plays Delores Umbridge is absolutely fabulously horrible! And clad entirely in bright pink during the entire movie except when Harry is on trial for using magic outside of school in the presence of a Muggle no less. Umbridge's office is also one of the more creepy ones, what with all the decorator collector plates with mewling kittens all over the place! LOL!
There is a lot that is left out, understandably, but some of it leaves questions and confusions. While some other scenes left in are kinda "why'd they put that there?"
Kreecher the house-elf is cranky and creepy as he should be, but we missed the family portraits at Grimmauld Place. The extendible ears are freakin' hillarious! And Cruikshanks the cat even moreso!
Well...I think I'll go see what's for supper now. It ain't gonna cook itself for some reason. Where's my magic wand...?