What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Sunday, July 08, 2007
What's up with my blogger? It won't let me enter a title. Stupid thing :-p Ah well...

Last weekend we went to a Canada Day celebration at a couple of fellow Canucks in NC house near Charlotte. They graciously hosted a backyard party for a couple dozen people. They even supplied Canadian beer, which was a nice touch. It was nearly a 2 hour drive to get there and back again, but a fun time was had by all. Even my grumbly hubby :-p

Check out the hat on my fat head
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My t-shirt says "I'm being chased by angry beavers". I got that several years ago at Thrifty's in Toronto. I thought it was absolutely hillarious at the time. Now it comes in handy for Canada Day parties as the only red t-shirt in my drawer ;-)

With thanks to Charlene for sending the hat, along with a whole bunch of other stuff that was well received at the party. I was really popular with the kids I'll tell ya! They kept coming up to me "what else have you got in the bag?" LOL! Mostly they had fun with the stickers (from Cara) and the tattoos (also from Char). The frizbee disappeared somewhere, but I managed to get another one from the box of swag that the Consular guys brought with them. They also brought rubber Canada bracelets, stickers, lapel pins, and Cold-FX, cuz, you know, its Canada and we get free healthcare. ;-)

I also had a string of lights with Canada flags on it that Mum sent, and a maple leaf citronella scented suncatcher that Cara sent. That is now hanging in my front kitchen window. Not sure what I'll do with the lights yet, maybe hang 'em here in my office.

On Wednesday I had the day off of course for the Independence Day holiday here in the US. James and his friend Eric and I caught the 12 noon showing of Transformers movie, which I was quite pleasantly surprised with. Then we came back here for backyard cook-out and to get eaten by the mosquitoes and midges. My legs are covered in bites, I should have put on the insect repellent, but I was too busy cooking while the guys played video games inside :-p

Not much else goin' on really. The week was kind of weird, with a holiday on Humpday, and then back to work for Thursday and off again Friday (4 day work week for summer).

I got my bike goin' yesterday. Finally got it out of the basement last weekend, and got air in the tires yesterday and took it out for a *very* short ride. My legs just take soooooo long to get used to that kind of work, and its surprising how much it bloody hurts! Plus, its very hilly around here!

But I need to lose this fat, so hopefully with work I'll be able to go further and further each time. Maybe someday even make it to the store and back. ;-) Maybe.

My anti-thyroid medicine was reduced again by half, and my last blood work shows my thyroid levels at "normal". I'm doubtful, but hoping that the reduction will help me to lose weight. But the last reduction didn't, I actually gained a couple more pounds, despite eating less food and working out more. It is just so disheartening I tell ya! GAH! Very frustrating.

I'm hungry.
Happy Canada Day, a few days late. You look great in the hat. The T-shirt reminds me of "Men With Brooms" which I watched on Canada Day as televised by Bravo, I think. Dum de da dum dum, Dum de da dum dum, Dum de da dum, dum. dum. :)
Hi, sorry this isnt anything to do with your Post.
But I found a comment you made on the canuckabroad messageboard. I mean it was from 2005 so I understand if your not able to help me anymore. But I am a british student wanting to study in america next year. I have found the love of my life only she lives in North Carolina, she has just left Manchester after doing a 6 month study abroad with me. I know it was a long time since you looked into getting a Visa etc but was wondering if you knew which direction I should be looking and if you had any useful websites.

I totally understand if you cant help me being as you didnt come from england to america and that it was so long ago. But I would appriciate any tips or help you could give.

Regards, Jarvis :)
Hello Jarvis!

check out a couple of message board websites for information on immigrating to the US. There are 2 that I can think if that may help you.


and http://www.visajourney.com/
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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