What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, August 03, 2007
  This'll put marzipan in your pieplate, Bingo!
Well, here's some photos from my short trip home. I really only took pics at Mum's birthday party, and as most of the party goers were family whom I don't know if they'd appreciate me putting their photos on the internet, I've only got 3 to post.

How's that for a run on sentence?

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Me, Mum, Chrissy & AJ

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Me & Charlene (not very flattering, but my arms are not quite long enough for the self portrait method of photography!)

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The Party Tree. Quite fortuitous that my Mum is a hobbit with a big tree in her garden eh? ;-)

Plus, here's some pics of a couple of little trinket boxes I painted recently and donated to our local Pagan Pride Day ewitch auction to raise money for our PPD.

I bought blank boxes at AC Moore and painted them. The first I did was the Celtic Cat, and then did the Green Man. The boxes are fairly small, only about palm sized, so the detail work was really difficult. Each box took me about 3 hours to paint.

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I'm totally new at painting, I haven't done any artsy painting since highschool, which was a very loooooooooooooooong time ago indeed! Well..except some wine glasses that my sister and I painted for her wedding 9 years ago. I have a tonne of art supplies that hubby got me last year, and that my Grandmother gave me, so I feel kind of obligated to get with it and do something!

My (paternal) Grandmother is an awesome painter! She's got some really impressive stuff hanging in her apartment. Mostly she works with watercolours lately, which is even harder than using acrylics or oils. As she says, with oils if you make a mistake you can just cover it up with some more paint. It doesn't quite work that way with watercolours.

She did one amazing portrait of Mother Theresa, it is so life-like, I'm just in awe of Momma's talent, and wish I could have at least a third of it!

I asked her why she doesn't sell any of her paintings, she could make a few extra dollars for sure!

She also does landscapes and city scapes, not just portraits. And, I believe she is self taught, I don't think she ever took any lessons.

My Muse left me several years ago though. I think it coincides with the thyroid problems, and when that started wreaking havoc with my brain, my artistic talents and ambitions all flew out the window. Its sort of coming back, but its really difficult to get into, and very daunting. I have so many pictures in my head I'd like to paint, but I just can't seem to get them to come out the frilly end of the brush. If you follow...

*sigh* Maybe some day...
Thanks for posting photos of your artwork. Love the Cat especially. You told me you'd done them. You have inherited your Momma's talent, with a tad of Greatgrampa's too.
Not to worry. The frilly end of the brush will connect with the imagination end of your brain one day. :) I do need a piece for the dining room, between the corner cabinets. Hint, hint.
do you still have the watercolour I did in school?
I'm not sure. I think so. If I do,it's in one of the myriad boxes on the front porch, in the garage or up in the attic. It's too hot to look in any of those places. I'll look for it when the weather changes. I would hang it in the dining room on the window wall, behind the vase collection. The model for the still life is part of the display.

I spent most of today outside. At least there was a breeze. Thought I had lost Max. He was under my chair while I was having second breakfast. I got up to pull more weeds. When I had enough of that he has disappeared. I checked under all the bushes, under the car, in the house and garage twice. The doors were closed, but he could have followed me. No claws, no click click of tiny feet. I was on my third go round in the garden when I thought to check the shed. He was happy to see me. Apparently, he could push it open far enough to get in, but not enough to get out. There's a big rock in the way.
We had a huge fight getting him in the house at suppertime. Damn near broke my back coaxing him out from under the car. I can't leave him out on his own. He has no defense. And he's real stupid. He would take off after anything that tried. He chased the black and white cat from across the street yesterday. It was just blind luck I was on my way out of the garage as the visitor streaked by. Caught Max as he was making the corner around the morning glory vine.
My life is so exciting.
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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