What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Saturday, September 15, 2007
  Finally! Rain!
We here in North Carolina are suffering a terrible drought. But finally yesterday, it rained! And for more than just a few minutes. It started sometime in the wee smalls, and kept up til well after lunch time. Still, we're not caught up to normal precipitation levels for this time of year (last I read, we're about 17 inches less than usual for the year), but at least it was something.

About 3 weeks ago we had a wicked storm, knocked down trees and power lines, thunder lightning, I was driving down precarious mountain roads in the dark etc etc etc...but it didn't rain for long, so it did more damage than good. Luckily, we didn't lose any trees at our house (I had visions of coming home to find the big maple tree in our front yard moved to our front room, but it stayed where it should!) I had to drive around more than one rather large tree branch in the middle of roads. And Hwy 321 is hazardous at the best of times, I seriously thought I was going to blow out my brakes that night! I couldn't see a dang thing other than lightning, it was very scary!

Anyhoo...the lake about 20 minutes from here, Lake James is about 8 feet below normal levels, and receding about an inch more every day. Yesterday's rain may have slowed that some, but likely not much. Local farmers are really hurting, and the State Governor has asked the Feds for assistance for them. That's how bad it is here.

The Catawba river that runs right through Morganton has been so low all summer that you could pretty much walk across it and not get your feet wet. All the debris that was washed downstream from the flood 3 years ago is now visible. It used to barely break the surface, now its just junk lodged in dirt.

And yet, in Texas, Kansas and other Mid-West states, they're floating away! Flooding has been getting worse all summer long. While we're parched, they're water logged. Its just crazy!

Hopefully yesterday's rain is a sign of more to come. Probably not though. Today is bright and sunny, although not as hot as it has been. Its a nice "pretty day" as they say around here.


In other goings on, we've been crazy busy around here, what with Dragon*Con, then last weekend friends' Beth & JD & David's bar The Underground closed its doors, so we were down there on Saturday night to support them. I did my liver some damage, and couldn't move most of Sunday at all! Its been a long time since I had a hangover, hopefully it'll be a long time til I have another! OUCHIE!

Next weekend is Mabon already, where has the year gone?

Weekend after that we're having a yard sale to try and raise some money for PPD to pay for the park rental and the event insurance. Its going to be in the parking lot of The Underground (which next weekend is re-opening their doors with a new name and new format..."alternative lifestyle"...well...gay bar) and they'll be "renting" tables for $25. I've got several boxes full of crap...erm...stuff to go through to sell. Hopefully I'll make my $25 back plus some.

The weekend after that Jeff Dunham is playing at the Lenoir Broyhill Center. Yes, he of the many puppets, Peanut, Walter, Jose Jalapeno on a steeeek, and I think a couple new ones. We still need to book our tickets for the show, so hopefully its not sold out yet. We tried to buy them from their on-line boxoffice, but kept getting error messages. Its broken :-( I may have to drive to Lenoir :-p

Then the weekend after that is Pagan Pride Day. Check out our website http://www.cvhcppd.com It is still a work in progress but there's some info there. If you're in the area, you're more than welcome to join us! Bring a donation for the Humane Society or the Hunger Coalition. Stay til after dark and bring a drum or noisemaker and something for the feast table! We'll be there til about 11pm! Its going to be a long long long day! oi!

I'm tired just thinking about it. I think I'll go have a snooze.
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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