What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Saturday, October 20, 2007
  Well, I'm glad that's over with!
Last weekend was our Pagan Pride Day. I think I mentioned before that I had been "voluntold" as the Entertainment Co-ordinator for the event. Well, I won't go into details, but suffice to say that I am very glad the event is over and done with, and that I will not be volunteering for anything of the sort any time soon! UGH! and GAH!

Not to mention of course the sunburn on the nose and forehead that is now peeling...

We took the dogs with us for the entire (very long) day, as both James and I would have been away from the house for over 12 hours, we couldn't leave them here. They were marginally well behaved, considering. By 2pm or so (we arrived at 8am) they were ready to leave, after being mauled by children who just wouldn't get the hint to leave them alone.

We got back home just in time to catch Torchwood at 9pm. So we did indeed have a very long day. We had left the house that morning at 7am. The dogs ate their supper and then slept until about 3pm the following day. And one of my goldfish died that night. The other is not looking too good either lately. *sigh*


Other than that, Autumn seems to finally have found us. The temps have cooled off some thankfully, and leaves are starting to change colours. They've had frost up in the mountains, though it hasn't touched us here yet. We had a bit of drizzle the other day, but we're still stuck in an extreme drought. The governor says that most cities in the state have only 90 days worth of water in storage. If that runs out, we're in trouble. The state of Georgia is not fairing much better.

We've been trying to conserve water as best we can, but crikey, if the city runs out in 3 months, what are we gonna do?

Some selfish bastards in Charlotte are having wells drilled because the city has put restrictions on watering gardens and lawns for customers of city water sources. If they had half a frikken brain, they'd realize that they're not helping themselves or their neighbours any just to have a green lawn! When the water runs out, their own well (for which they'd just spent $5000 to drill!) will also run dry! selfish eejits...I think the city should ban well drilling for households who are already on city sources. I mean really...how stupid and selfish can people get?

It has even gone to the extreme that the governor has suggested to restaurant owners to not serve water unless a customer specifically asks for it! Some pretty scary stuff :-(

Well, this weekend I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to try and get some stuff done around our own house that we haven't had much time to do because all my spare time the past few weeks was taken up by PPD stuff.

Next weekend will be busy with Samhain up in Boone with a new Druid friend and her family. I'm going to take a roast beast, and maybe some mashed taters with cabbage. mmmm...mmm..mmm...I can't wait! :-)

catcha later!
Hey Reba!

My husband said the new colors of my hair looked pagan-y. I took that as the highest compliment! :)

Have you ever done anything for the Day of the Dead? I'm thinking about making that a family tradition, but I need to do some research on it.

Oh, and, there's a chance my parents may be moving to Gastonia, NC! If that's the case, then we'll definitely will have to meet up next time I fly down to visit.

take care!
Well, Samhain is the Celtic day of the dead sort of, though not exactly celebrated like the Mexican dia de las muertos. Quite a lot of the modern Halloween decor and traditions come from the Celtic Samhain tradition.

That would be cool if they move to Gastonia. We're about an hour west from there, give or take, depending on traffic. If we're still around, we will most definitely need to meet up! We're thinking of going north, closer to my family.
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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