What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Sunday, November 04, 2007
  Halloween used to be fun
Halloween used to be my favourite day of the year. I'd love getting dressed up and having fun, whether at work, or at home handing out candy to kids.

Folks around here don't do Halloween. We've never had any trick-or-treaters at our house, not ever, not even one! At my current place of employment, costumes and fun having on Halloween is forbidden because of ONE particular person (C level exec) who thinks the day is evil and doesn't want to let the Devil in. pshaw! and phooey! Apparently before this guy came to work at the company, they used to have a Halloween party and costumes and everything. Now we get nuthin' :-p

On Halloween night we had our last Obedience class with George. She graduated, yet again! from Basic Obedience. And she got to play with the trainer's new pitty puppy. He's only 8 weeks old, but George was amazingly well behaved. Her foot is bigger than the little guy's head though, so when she started to get too excited I pulled her to the side to sit and be quiet a while. She's been doing fairly well with other dogs lately, except yesterday on the Greenway she was going nutz every time another dog passed by us. Foaming at the mouth and everything. *sigh* Dress her up, can't take her anywhere... ;-)

We've had some frost here already (early for here I think). I've even had to find my mittens its been so cold a couple of mornings this week!

Still no sign of an end to this drought though, and experts are saying if it doesn't rain significantly soon, by March we'll have no water left. All that rain last week only accumulated to about 2 to 5 inches across most of the state. Hurricane Noel may or may not get us some more rain this week. If there's any at all, it'll hit the coast and not reach us at all up here in the foothills.

Its been really difficult to think of new ways to conserve water. I take shorter showers, and only shower every other day (its not like I have a dirty smelly job anyway). Laundry and dishes only get done when the machines are full, etc etc etc...And yet there are some people around here who laugh and don't give a damn. I seriously want to smack them and ask them how they expect to survive when there's no water left at all! Or when the Governor finally enacts water rationing. Will they be scoffing then? sheesh...!

It boggles me how people just can't see it, or see it and not even care. Do they not understand what's going on? :-(

With that...I'm off to make myself some brunch. I'm in the mood for eggs n toast. I made a fresh loaf of bread yesterday and its calling to me.
It was wntery here today. Frst time I've felt like it's here. Sky looks like the rain will be snow any minute. I don't like it. We still have six weeks before winter starts and I want it to be over already. Mostly because I need to get snow tires. I really noticed a difference last year. Stupid mumma didn't think to ask for my tires and rims back when the insurance company said it was totalled. Oh well, live and learn. Hopefully there won't be a next time, but if there is, I'll be ready.

I got dressed up (sort of) this year. I wore black pants, my LotR Musical T-shirt and a witch hat. One boy, about 10 i think, said it was nice to see an old person with the spirit still to dress up. I didn't know whether to laugh or thump him. He already had his candy. ;)
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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