What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Friday, January 11, 2008
  How F*#@ing Stupid is This?
Ok, any reader here is well aware of the current drought we are experiencing in the South East of the United States. Its been going on for months, and its only getting worse. Water is scarce, and unless we get about 3 WEEKS of constant rain, we will soon be out of water. Completely.

So, what does the local County office intend to do about it? Raise our county sales tax by a quarter of a cent to pay to put in more water lines to households whose wells are running dry so they can be connected to city water sources.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat the FUCK are these people thinking?

How the hell is raising our sales tax going to help the drought? If they actually do this, the county will run out of water even sooner, and then where will we all be? Geezus! GAH!

Check this out:
With the area seeing no relief from the drought, commissioners say they've been getting a lot of phone calls from residents whose wells are going dry. That's why commissioners say if voters approve a sales tax increase, the money generated will be solely dedicated to extending water lines throughout the county.

"It's going to take millions of dollars for us to come up to speed on water," said Commission Chairman Wayne Abele.

Commissioner Jack Carroll said, "We don't have any choice, the way I look at it, because it's not going to get any better."

I suppose the higher sales tax, and the additional water mains will somehow make the heavens open and send us rain?

Does this hurt your head, or is it just me?

This seriously has got to be the stupidest thing I've ever read! Here's the article

What we've done to conserve water, James and I that is, is we've put a large hose at the end of one of the downspouts, and put the hose over the kiddie pool that we had for the dogs. Yesterday when it rained for a while, it completely filled the pool! We're using this water for the dogs and to water the houseplants. Once we've got some proper containers, we'll store it for our own emergency use, should the need arise. We just need to get over to the sports supply or K-Mart to get some water jugs. Its not much, but IMO, its a helluva lot more than the frikken county is doin! :-p sheesh!

I also finally used up all the cleaning fluid in my Swiffer Wet Jet, and now I'm gonna hack it to put in my own Enviro-Friendly Watkins cleaning stuff :-) Just cut a hole in the bottom of the bottle, put in the stuff, then put a cork in it! James is drinking the wine from which we got the cork as we speak ;-)

Well, gotta dash...supper is ready!
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Well, this Canadian in particular is living with her American husband and 2 Saint Bernard dogs, and trying to get a home based business with Watkins up and running!
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Location: North Carolina, United States

I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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