What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Happy Birthday to meeeeeeeeee!
Yesterday was my birthday. I think it was number 38, but I've lost count and don't really care anymore :-p
James managed to get the day off to spend with me, which was very nice. We got to sleep in even, which is a rarity. He had got home from work the previous night at aroun 1am, dragging my birthday pressies. Seeing as it was already past midnight, and officially the day of my birthday, I opened them! There's a new 2 drawer filing cabinet, so that I can get my paperwork in order. Lot's of paperwork crap that we need to have ready at hand for US immigration, plus my Watkins stuff, and the dogs veternary files. All of that has been sitting in a plastic file box under my desk. I need hanging folders tho...must go to Staples today.
Don't worry, that wasn't all! There was also the DVD boxed set Blade trilogy, and the DVD extended edition of Stripes. Remember that from way back when? Its still funny :-) Plus, he also got me the TV Guide magazine with Lost on the cover, and the mini-DVD with sneak peaks. I haven't watched that yet, maybe today. I guess the new season will be starting soon eh? Where did the summer go?
Oh yeah, and he licensed a couple of domain names for me! canuckinnc.com and canuckinnc.net. I set the .com up to forward to my Watkins/TSGInfo page
http://www.tdbellenterprises.com/associates/rchapman/ but its still not done yet. It said it would be a few days, but its rather annoying! I hate waiting! I haven't decided what to do with the .net yet.
Brother-in-law dropped by even to bring a card and gift certificate for "Tape Town", the local music store. Maybe I will go and spend that on Saturday after my Open House, to either celebrate my success, or lament my failure. I'm getting very anxious about it, and very scared that I won't generate any customers, and it'll just be a huge waste of time and money. I guess just about anyone starting out a new business feels the same right? *sigh* Probably worrying for nothing, but it really is scary! I need this to be successful, I want this to be successful! There are Watkins associates who are making 6 figures, I want to be one of them!
Plus, I would really like to be able to win that dishwasher AND the trip for 2 to the Bahamas! :-)
Happy Birthday!
More Pirates, fewer fundies please!
I think today I shall share with you a couple or 3 things that I saw in and around the internet in the past couple of days. One will make you laugh your fool head off, one will make you want to scoop someone's eyes out with a spoon, and one is just a reminder.
First lets start with the scooping out of eyes with spoons. Some of you may have heard of a Reverend here in the US who goes by the name of Fred Phelps. Now, every time I see this guy's name in the news, I know its going to be something that'll piss me off, and further reduce my faith in humanity. His recent distasteful escapades include protesting at soldier's funerals, claiming they were killed as punishment by God because the US "harbors gays" This guy is a real piece of work, and he should be smoted. Is that a word? It ought to be!
Here's an article
http://start.earthlink.net/article/nat?guid=20050827/430fe540_3ca6_1552620050827686452646 Seriously, this man needs to be stopped! I'm all for free speech, but really...! GAH! Hand me a spoon!
Ok, now, to get those nasty nasty images out of my head, and yours, I will pass on this incredibly funny website A letter to the Kansas School Board about their upcoming meetings to decide whether to include Inteligent Design in their science curriculum.
http://www.venganza.org/index.htmSee, I have always felt that the world needs more Pirates! I shall commandeer a ship and plunder and pillage my weasley black guts out! Who will join me? I can't do this all by me onesies you know ;-) (btw, productionon on PoTC II & III has started in Grand Bahama!)
If we create a religion that worships Flying Spaghetti Monsters as creator, when we eat pasta, is that canabalism? Or more kinda like the Catholic sacrament of the bread and wine being the body and blood of Christ? Things that make ya go hmmmmmm. I seriously think I shall buy one of their t-shirts. "I was touched by His Noodly Appendage" HA HA HA HA HA! ROTFLMAO :-D
And now a reminder that Septemer 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day!
http://www.talklikeapirate.com/piratehome.html Its a Monday this year. If you have one of those "regular" job type things, make your day more interesting, go in costume! ;-)
Now, bring me that horizon!
Living with Saint Bernards

I think I've figured out how to post a picture here! Let’s just see if I have any small enough to post....oh wow, lookit that! It adjusts the size even...I like this blogging thing I think!
Anyhoo...when Mum was here in July she took a pic of me and my "family", which is of course, James, George and Bruno.
James is on the couch with Bruno, our male puppy whom we rescued a few months ago. He turned 1 year old at the middle of July, and as of his last vet visit he weighed in at 140 pounds. We figure he'll finish up growing really close to 200 pounds; his feet are about twice the size of George's! As a comparisson, the dog who played "Beethoven" in the movie was 185 pounds when he was full grown. For giant breeds, "full grown" is usually somewhere around 2 years to 2 1/2 years old.
George was just at the vet this week for a booster shot and heartworm test, and weighed in at a slight 127 pounds. I said "is that all?" and the vet looked at me very seriously and said "what do you mean is that all? You want MORE dog?" LOL! George will be 2 at the end of October.
Today the temperature has actually gone down below 30C/86F! This morning is just 22C/71F and quite pleasant for a change. I'm sure it'll get hotter later in the day, but for now, Bruno is taking advantage of the weather and sitting outside on the back porch, watching the bees buzz, and the flutter-bys. George is most definitely an "inside" dog, and only goes out for necessaries. She's asleep on the floor next to my desk.
Well, I'm off to "work"! HA ha ha ha! *snarf*
26 Days with Watkins
I was going to email this to all my friends and family, and then realized how long it is, so decided to finally break down and get my own blog! So, here it is, my very first entry in my blog. I hope I don't bore you to death.
Well, after just 26 days as a Watkins Associate, I have almost enough sales points to advance to the next consultant level. What I need is for people to go shopping and buy stuff! ;-) Good sale prices for August is buy the Aloe & Green Tea shampoo, and get the conditioner half price! Only til the 31st! Some of the extract flavours, Flavoured Salts, and Fish Lover's seasonings are all on special for August. And the Aloe & Green Tea deodorant is still on June special pricing, because Watkins had been having a problem with their packaging company. This is only until the end of September, then its back to regular catalogue price.
You can order on-line at
www.watkinsonline.com my associate number is 363337.
In my first month I have used several of the Watkins products myself and have not been disappointed with any of them! The Aloe & Green Tea shampoo, conditioner, antibacterial liquid handsoap, hand & body lotion are ALL just loverly! I love how just a little goes a long way so these will last longer than other possibly similar products I may buy in a grocery store, in the long run saving me money! The Botanical Pet shampoo makes my dogs squeeky shiny clean, and they smell nice too! (unfortunately temporarily unavailable due to packaging problems) James loves the Peppermint Foot Rub after a long day at work. The Laundry Detergent really does help with static cling! I tried it out without using any fabric softener and no dryer sheet, and no static! Of course its summer time and humid as heck, winter may be a different result ;-)
I could not believe just how effective the Insect Repellent is! It works amazing! Even against the North Carolina Coastal mosquitoes, which are about as big as Mantioba mosquitoes! And that's sayin alot! pffffffffffffft on Avon, we tried it and got eaten alive! Try the Watkins! Oh, and Aloe Sunscreen SPF 30. Works good, and most importantly isn't sticky or oily.
I got adventurous in the kichen and was making banana muffins (I had a couple bananas that were too mushy to eat) and added Watkins Vanilla and Cinnamon, even tho the recipe calls for neither. They were really Yummy! I was making some tomato sauce (with my own homegrown tomatoes even!) and added some Watkins Onion Soup Base mix to the sauce, as well as my usual Italian type seasonings, which Watkins also has btw, and it was very good! I surprised even myself.
The Good Tastings bread mix was soooooooooo easy! Just add 12oz of clear carbonated beverage (I used Club Soda, you could use beer or any clear bubbly drink), mix, put it in a loaf pan, bake it and then eat! No kneading, no rising, just mix, bake and eat! Tastes really good hot out of the oven, with melty peanut butter slathered all over it.
I've been substituting the flavour packets in Ramen noodles with Watkins Soup Base mixes. I've tried the Beef and Chicken. Its much nicer than Ramen flavour packets, not nearly as much salt, and no MSG! The noodles are such an easy quick snack, and with the Watkins soup base, much more healthy.
I've also used the Garlic & Parsley Grapeseed oil quite a few times. I put it in the water when I'm boiling pasta, and I cooked a stir fry in it the other night. I loooooooove garlic! and I looooooooove this cooking oil! There are other flavours, or just plain with no flavour as well, but as I said, I just loooooooooove garlic!
In my first month (well, 26 days anyhow!) I have also scheduled my Open House, to be held on September 3rd at the hotel where I used to work. They kindly "comped" me the meeting room for the purpose, in hopes that I will make this a regular habit and become a regular rental customer. I have also scheduled my first Good Tastings party, to happen September 8th, at my friend Juli's book store. And I have signed up my very best friend as a Watkins Good Tastings Associate so that she too can make oodles and oodles of money! So for those in Ontario who were wondering who ya gonna call if you want to have a Good Tastings event, well, call Charlene. (email me for her number if you want) She's ready and rarin' ta go!
I will also be taking some samples of the laundry detergent up to 2 separate Pagan Pride Day events next month, in hopes to garner some customers, and possibly even more new associates, among the Pagan/Earth Friendly community. The organizers of both events have offered me the opportunity without having to pay the vendor fee. In lieu of vendor fee, I will be making donations to a woman's shelter, and of course, the local food banks. I'm cleaning out my cupboards and Watkinizing my entire house!