I'm bored
I suppose I could mop the floors. Again. But its still all muddy outside from rain all day yesterday, so really what’s the point?
Yet another vacuum has burned out because of the Carolina dirt in here. Its like clay and it gums up the works, so yesterday while vacuuming the rugs, the belt fused itself to the roller brush. *sigh* This is the 3rd one since I moved here. At least this one is fixable I think. I just ordered a new brush and belts, hopefully that’s all it is. I didn’t notice anything else burned up.
James had to take his Mother to hospital again yesterday. She called him at work to ask him to take her to ER. Anyhow, she’s got more fluid in her chest, they didn’t know how much just yet when James finally left the hospital (after being there with her several hours), and he hasn’t called me yet today since he left for work. I’m assuming no one has called him to let him know what’s happening, which wouldn’t surprise me.
I did try to see about getting organized for our AOS interview next month, I looked at the checklist of required documents, and that was about it. There’s not much we can do at the moment, I’ve pretty much been keeping the files up to date, so that I won’t be scrambling to gather stuff at the last minute. The only things we would need are employment verification letters, and an updated Affidavit of Support; which all should be dated closer to our interview, so we’ll hold off on those a couple of weeks. Not to mention of course, I may not be employed at the same company by then, so I’ll just wait.
James got a little bit more information about the Domino’s franchises, but still needs to talk to the franchiser who is selling before we can make any decisions about anything. The whole thing is moot if we can’t get financial backing in time, someone else may just snap it up tomorrow.
I’m bored. There’s nothing on TV in the daytime. I could go shopping, but James is off tomorrow, so he might want to go to Hickory too. I found Due South season 2 for really cheap at Best Buy, and the Hickory store should have some in stock. Or so their website says. They don’t have season 4 yet, I don’t think its released in the US for some reason. They have the final 2 episodes, but not the whole season. Which makes no sense whatsoever, but there ya go.
Plus, if I go out, I have to put the dogs out in the yard, which means more mud in the house when I get home. I’m very tired of cleaning and mopping and sweeping and blah blah blah…I do it and 10 minutes later it looks like I haven’t cleaned in a month. Its very frustrating. I wonder what it would look like if I actually didn’t clean for a month? This is a house the Munsters would be proud to live in :-p If we could just do something with the dogs’ yard so its not so muddy, that would help. But what to do? Stones? Mulch? Concrete? It rains so much here, grass is useless with the dogs outside all day long. They dig, run around, jump and wrestle and the grass just slides away. If we do stones, that won’t be too comfortable for them to play on, plus when we clean up, stones won’t digest in the poop digester. We’re afraid if we put mulch down that George will eat it. She likes to eat wood for some reason. And concrete will be very expensive.
Ah well, another day another headache.