Still haven’t found what I’m looking for…
Well, I still haven’t found a job, but I’ve applied to about a dozen and I went to another interview this morning. Today’s interview was at R-Solutions booth in Sam’s Club. No, the job is not for Sam’s club, R-Solutions is a division of Radio Shack and they sell cellular phones and cell plans, DirectTV satellites and internet services. Its part time, with base pay + commissions. I know I’m capable, but I’m not sure I’d like it all that much. For one, there’s no where to sit down if my feet hurt.
There’s another job I applied to that I wish I’d hear back on. It’s a full time office job, assistant to Customer service, and doing data entry on an AS/400. I can do that. And did for several years. There’s benefits and all that other good stuff that comes with a steady full time job. And I imagine there are chairs. ;-)