Chocolate Vodka and Home Theatres
What do the two have in common you may ask…or you may be asking “what? There’s CHOCOLATE VODKA?!” So, I’ll tell ya.
Last night James and I went to Charlotte for the
Charlotte Browncoats shindig. Co-incidently (probably not ;) ) scheduled for Chinese New Year. We had Chinese food, good company, and we watched the movie Serenity, which is the whole purpose of any good Browncoats shindig. For the uninitiated, the TV show Firefly and resultant movie Serenity, take place in the future, when the world’s 2 superpowers, the US and China have merged, and Everyone speaks both English and Chinese. It’s kind of a futuristic western in space. With Chinese curse words. ;-)
Our hosts Tod and Maricia (sorry I don’t know if that’s spelled correctly!) were most gracious, and they have the most awesome home theatre set up I’ve seen in a long time! One room in their home has been given up to movies, …and Maricia’s toy castles fetish, but that’s a whole n’other story…they’ve got a big movie screen, an HD projector and a great sound system. PLUS, reclining seats with cupholders! There’s two levels of course for proper viewing pleasure. Pics can be seen at the CLT Browncoats Yahoo group photo albums.
linked aboveOk, on to the chocolate vodka….Danny, the group’s resident pharmacist, brought the booze. And he brought a bottle of chocolate vodka and I just gotta say that if this had been invented when I was a teenager, I’d be dead now from cirrhosis! Wow, it is very yummy, and goes down very nicely, no mixer needed. Although, Tanya said it would probably be good mixed with some Godiva liqueur for a good chocolate martini. I’ll have to get to the ABC store and see if I can find me some! For my non-North Carolina and Canadian readers, the ABC store is the liquor store, ABC stands for Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission. Beer and wine are sold in grocery stores and convenience stores down here, but spirits are sold at the ABC store. Can you believe I’ve lived here over 2 years and I’ve never stepped foot in one? Horror and nightmares! ;-)
Danny’s CLT Browncoats myspace I’m not a myspacer, but I know lots of people are, including some of the Firefly/Serenity cast, so ya never know, you may make some new friends.
Well, it was a good night. And now I’m wondering which walls I can knock out here to make us one of those shiny home theatres like Tod’s.