What's a Canadian doing in North Carolina?
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
  Life...or something like it...
This week in the news I've seen a couple of things that just about made my head explode. The first was a letter to the editor of our little paper here, a (seemingly) unprovoked rant about abortion and the evils of it. This woman went on and on for quite a few paragraphs how no matter where you're from, no matter your age, race, creed or religion (or lack thereof, she even mentioned atheists), if you become pregnant, you must have the baby, because it is God's will. Even if you were raped you must give birth to that baby, because it is God's will.

There is no choice in the matter. God meant for you to be raped at the age of 12 and to get pregnant. Go forth and multiply. And if the baby is a result of pre-marital or extra-marital sex, well then you still must have the baby, but you're still going to hell I suppose. Damned if you do, damned if you don't so what the hell eh? ugh.

Boggles me. Really does. I'd just like to hear her opinion though when her teenaged daughter comes home pregnant after being violently raped and beaten er summat. sheesh.

Another mind boggler was the animal rights activists who say that a baby polar bear at a zoo in Germany should be euthanized because its mother had rejected it.

Their rationalization of course is that it is unnatural for a baby polar bear to be fed by hand and raised by humans.

Apparently the fact that a polar bear being conceived and born in captivity in Germany is perfectly normal. :p sheesh. Get a grip!

It hurts my head it does. Really.

Happy Spring-tide btw. Didn't do much of anything to welcome the day, other than go shopping for new clothes after work because I'm getting so fat nothing in my drawers or closets fit anymore. I'm hopelessly depressed about it too. Its the thyroid medication. I've gained more than 2 sizes since I started taking it and getting fatter by the day. I'm not eating more. I'm actually excersizing more, and yet I just get fat. If it keeps up at this rate, by the end of summer I'll be about 300 pounds. No kidding.

Just call me Buddah. Too bad enlightenment didn't come with the extra weight.
I shall call you Baby Buddha. I am the mumma Buddha. If your thyroid meds are causing the weght gain could you not ask to have the dosage altered? Thyroid is supposed to keep our metabolism straight. If yours isn't becacuse of medication, shouldn't it be changed? I'm no expert, but there are at least four women in my office on Thyroid meds, both hyper and hypo, and all had to play around with dosage until it was right for them. I know your is for Graves (?) but similar symptoms.

Just a mummy worriting about her babe.

I'm quite sure its the meds, but I've had to reschedule my follow up appointment 3 times. First 2 times because of work and James' surgery, the third time because I was lost and showed up late. They're not at all forgiving down here :-p

My 6 week follow up therefore is about 3 months past due, and scheduled for sometime early May IIRC.

And depending what it will cost, I may need to reschedule again. I won't have insurance yet. :-p
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I'm a Canadian, married to an American, living in North Carolina since October 2004. To anyone who thinks this wouldn't be such a big difference in lifestyle, wow! think again!

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